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It's Always Sunny

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Everything posted by It's Always Sunny

  1. Yeah when I was living up there he was my go-to along with Lemanowitz on Fox. So is he back on TV now or he never left?
  2. Lemanowitz had a good forecast last night if I recall haven't seen any update though.
  3. Bouchard is known to go against the grain which carries serious implications lol. I don't agree with him most of the time but I don't think that particular forecast for BOS is terrible. He's had FAR worse.
  4. Seems like I missed a lot here lol. I think what Bouchard has for BOS is reasonable. I'd be surprised if they got over 10" honestly.
  5. Pretty crazy to see what a ~50 mile difference in s/w location makes. Still too early to commit to either model at this point in my opinion for those in MA, especially people north of 495. People along and south of 495 I think are in a good spot regardless of which way this storm trends.
  6. Appears BOX is rolling with a Euro-esque solution south of the pike and GFS-esque solution north of the pike. I'd consider that a pretty safe forecast.
  7. @CoastalWx couldn't the NAM have inflated totals due to non-hydrostatic approximation?
  8. Wow, that's really good! If I didn't have a weathermodels subscription already I'd get it myself. Well we'll be leaning heavily on you for sounding requests I guess, haha.
  9. I'm sure the subscription is worth the Euro soundings themselves. Wish weathermodels.com/WeatherBell subscriptions had those.
  10. For weenies looking for a subscription service looks like Pivotal Weather is offering a 48-hour flash deal FYI.
  11. Better than being north of 495 . My sister is supposed to be moving to W Raynham Thursday that may need to be put on hold haha.
  12. Sounds like there is too much dissection going on right now amongst the models for a storm that still hasn't even developed yet. Lots of dumpster diving here with models.
  13. Ok good part of me thought it could be Scott since he is the weenie of all weenies with 140 million posts lol.
  14. Good look at 84 hours it's further north than GFS. Get popcorn ready for 18Z lol.
  15. For sure you're in a good spot either way it seems. Just hope that ECMWF doesn't keep trending south then you'll be smokin' cirrus like the rest of them.
  16. I sadly know what that is thanks to my sister's obsession with them. I think I may leave now...
  17. I love how the interpretation of "Jonas" is really showing everyone's age here lol.
  18. Yeah because if I recall a couple days ago it was looking more B like but now it appears to dip more into that Gulf moisture. Probably one of the reasons why QPF has gone up.
  19. Is it just me or is the Dec 16/17 storm beginning to look more Miller A-esque? Almost a Miller A/B hybrid kind of.
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