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Everything posted by snowinnc

  1. Son reports moderate snow in Northern Wake County. He said it’s been coming down for about 30 minutes.
  2. Regardless of what happens with this storm, this has at least been a pretty exciting winter to track events!
  3. Thanks for your advice everyone. I’m writing down a list of numbers right now. I had no clue about the winds we’re supposed to get tomorrow. Not a fan of the wet soil and high winds.
  4. I HATE doing IMBY posts, but I need some knowledgeable opinions. My husband, youngest daughter, and I are going to Canada tomorrow for six days. Our 18 year-old son didn’t want to go, so we told him that since he’s a legal adult and our neighbors would be there if he needed anything, we were fine with it. Thankfully he’s super responsible and very mature as well. When I first saw the forecast for North Raleigh few days ago, it said just snow. I was fine with that. It seems like the last 24 hours have shown a pretty bad ice storm heading our way. Do you guys think that’s true or could it change? If we lose power here, I’m not really sure what he’s going to do. I can get him a hotel room somewhere, but even though he is very mature for his age, I know that would be a little scary for him. I told my husband we should cut our trip short because it worries me, but I just wanted to get some expert opinions before we do anything.
  5. I’m going say this is a lock. We’re going to Canada on Sunday and not coming back until Friday, so of course it’s going to happen when I’m out of the country. Trends look great, so I will be jealous from a distance!
  6. Went outside right before I went to bed and measured 1.2” in Northern Wake County. Kids started sledding on the neighborhood hill early this morning, so they’re thrilled!
  7. Snow has completely stopped in Northern Wake County. Measured 1.2”, but hoping that it starts up again!
  8. Since the ground is finally covered, my daughter went outside with her measuring tape and we have 1.1” in Northern Wake County. Definitely over performed and it’s still coming down. No one should doubt Brick again!
  9. You must have the sweet spot in RDU! We’re about 15 miles north of the airport and we’re under an inch.
  10. I hope that’s right, but right now in Northern Wake I don’t see it happening. There’s a nice coating, but it’s very light right now. I think the inch we got a couple of weeks ago will end up being the biggest snowfall of the season for us. I’m still happy though because tracking two events so close together has been really exciting!
  11. Finally some light snow in Northern Wake County. We already have a nice little dusting on our patio furniture!
  12. What website does everyone use for dew points? I’m hoping the one I’m using is wrong, because a 2 isn’t going to cut it here in Northern Wake County.
  13. That’s so beautiful! I love seeing all of these pictures!
  14. I love seeing the excitement from Floridians who are seeing snow for the first time. I can’t imagine how happy the kids are! I might like seeing that more than me getting snow.
  15. Ok Brick, I don’t think you’re very far from me, so you need to do something to raise our dewpoint and saturate the heck out of the skies. You brought it for a lot of people, so bring it on home to us in Northern Wake County. I believe in you!
  16. Some of you were really giving Brick a hard time the other day when things didn’t look so great (I kept receipts) so I hope if you’re getting snow you say something nice to him. I think I saw someone say they couldn’t believe that we let Brick start the thread. Not cool. I know it can be frustrating when you want snow so desperately and you’re not getting it, but we need to be kind to each other here. I hope everyone gets a little winter wonderland today!!!
  17. That’s why I refuse to call it the Academy, because there are a lot of those types who went to school there. Greensboro is night and day from Fayetteville and Hope Mills, so that must have been a welcomed change for you!
  18. Very cool! I went to Fayetteville Academy. I always hear people call it the Academy, but that just sounds so uppity to me.
  19. Another 50 mile tick NW would be excellent. Pretty please, I’m asking nicely.
  20. If Fayetteville really gets 1”-3” of snow, that’s going to make me happy. Growing up there and going to school in 34 degree rain while Raleigh kids had snow days really ticked me off. After we moved to North Raleigh, I thought we would be enjoying the snow I saw from afar growing up, but no, we get no snow!
  21. Have they ever not played it down? They won’t be positive about it until there are already flakes falling.
  22. Good call. I’ll go back to looking at different fertilizers.
  23. This board is crazy, but I love it! Did us RDU folks give up too early or should we go back to getting ready for the spring? I’m lost and don’t know what to do.
  24. Agreed. It’s not our storm, but I’m going to be bummed for our friends on the coast if they don’t get it. I still think ILM will get at least 4+ though.
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