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About snowinnc

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    North Raleigh

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  1. While I’m obviously happy that RDU finally got some good events, I absolutely feel awful for our posters in Charlotte and the foothills. I’m going to be cheering for them hard next winter. They are definitely due!
  2. Nooooo!!! We just landed in Seattle, and the first thing I looked at was our ring cameras. 4.2” of snow almost completely gone. I think my son put the snowman he made in the shade, so at least I will have that to see when we get home. Damn sun angle!
  3. No kidding! There’s a new neighborhood going up right beside our neighborhood and the houses start at $4.5 million. Since there’s still a lot of construction going on the gates are open during the day, so I drove in once and was blown away at how nice they were. I love the neighborhoods ITB, but the new houses in North Raleigh are incredible.
  4. Gorgeous pictures! Is that huge house in one of the new neighborhoods by Falls Lake?
  5. That’s exactly where we live, which makes me a little nervous!
  6. I had my son go out and measure and he said we got an additional .6”, which brings our total for the storm to 4.2”. Crazy. I told him to take in my cutting board and wash it! Definitely an amazing storm!
  7. @NorthHillsWx@eyewallare the roads really bad there? I think you guys are in midtown, but we’re in Northern Wake about five minutes from Falls Lake. My two kids who are at home were responsible and made pancakes for dinner last night, but my 18 year-old son said he is going to stir crazy and wants to take his Bronco to Zaxby’s for dinner. I told him absolutely not because I don’t think Norwood Road is probably in the best condition, but I’m wondering how Six Forks is. @Brick Tamland aren’t you in my area too?
  8. You aren’t kidding! Our youngest is on her winter break as well, which makes her even more angry. If this happened next week, she would have had several snow days. My husband and I decided we might just need to keep our mouths shut the rest of the day because she is in a foul mood seeing videos of friends are posting of them sledding. This really is the best snow northern Wake County has seen and in I can’t remember how long. It’s crazy how we are stuck in Canada watching it from afar!
  9. We’re in Whistler skiing. It’s 38 degrees and raining. We have had a mix a few times on the trip, but we haven’t had straight up pure snow. It’s ridiculous. Now my youngest daughter is furious. She’s actually looking at flights home today. We’re coming home tomorrow night, so there should still be plenty, but it’s still not the same. My son keeps sending us all videos, but I told him to stop sending them to our 16 year-old because her day is pretty much ruined at this point seeing how much snow we have at home.
  10. I didn’t believe the returns I saw on the radar, so I told my son to FaceTime me on his walk in the neighborhood. It’s really incredible. I could see how big the flakes were on facetime. Congrats my fellow RDU folks, we finally got our winter wonderland’
  11. I can’t believe we are stuck in freaking Canada with cold rain while RDU is getting this amazing snowstorm. My kids at home are thrilled, but my 16 year-old who we took skiing is pissed! She wants to fly home now! My son cleared off our snowboard (which is a cutting board from my kitchen) so I can’t wait to see what the total is in Northern Wake County.
  12. We live in Northern Wake County about 30 minutes from downtown, and we have a neighbor who planted four palm trees about five years ago, and they look great. I thought it was crazy, but they are definitely thriving.
  13. Great pictures! Raleigh in the snow is really beautiful.
  14. I bet North Hills with those lights in the snow is beautiful. If I let my kids drive, they would have been at Cowfish tonight followed up with some Ben & Jerry’s!
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