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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. Or just go with sod, for that instant, finished look! Or just go grass free! Plant a ground cover and a bunch of trees, shrubs and flowers! Skip the grass all together!
  2. There's actually a weed killer out there called " sedgehammer" ! Grit, may wanna give that a shot! I take the JBuns/ CR approach , cut it low and everything looks good and green, weeds and all
  3. Think I heard the SC peach crop was 85-95% loss, as the crop is starting to come in! They were just guesstimating after the freeze! Very sad
  4. Everything is looking good after the torch winter and late freeze! All the rain is keeping everything lush and lots of flowers everywhere. Lantanas are looking great already and bearded irises are flowering and already have a few flowers on my southern magnolia!! Everything looks great in the cool wet weather !!
  5. Sounds like a daunting task!! I really never like to transplant any thing bigger than a one gallon tree or shrub ! It's easier on the plant ( much less stressful) and easier on the gardner! I don't like digging big holes!
  6. Starting Sunday! 70s for 3 weeks!! You better stock up on ice melt, next winter will be talked about for centuries! The '17/'18 winter will be a snow weenies dream!!!!
  7. I got a white weeping ornamental cherry, white flowered, it's about half full of blooms! Looks good for after that mega freeze! My favorite tree of the day is Ruby Falls Redbud tree!! About to burst into flower! Great tree
  8. I may be wrong, but I think our climate, NC/SC region, are too warm for cherries to do well. It's either too warm and humid or not enough winter chill hours.? That's why you don't see a whole lot around here, but ornamental cherries do OK
  9. Yeah, ornamentals and flowers, seem to be fine, other than a little damage/ burn on the tips! Jap maples already pushing out new growth, now if we could just shake this drought!! Already saw an article on ( accuweather) I know, but said we should have a weak / moderate El Niño going as we head into fall, and would mean a snowy winter for the east, and they didn't expect a raging, Godzilla Nino, like two years ago!
  10. Sucks to look out and see all the dead leaves and flowers ! My Japanese maples look sickly with black dead leaves, that started coming out in February!! Due to the early leaf out, because of the record warm winter, this may have been as bad or worse than the April 07 freeze! Early call is 90-95% of peach crop killed in SC by this freeze !
  11. Hit 24.2 this AM! Tonight should be scary! One of our local mets father, owns an apple farm in NC, they are very concerned about the crop!! I still think 18/19 imby!
  12. I read somewhere that peach bud/ flowers and apple buds/flowers are killed 24 degrees! One of our local guys said if it gets to 20-22 degrees, it could kill 95% of upcoming peach crop! Tomorrow night should be the coldest night, and I expect widespread upper teen outside the mountains, in outlying areas
  13. I would cover as much as you can! I had clematis in bud and they survived 24/25 last week, but we could easily see upper teens to low 20s Wed night! If the hydrangea bloom on old wood only ( old fashioned types) their buds are very sensitive to freezes and you would get 0 flowers this year, maybe even if you cover! Need to get a few new kind like " Endless Summer" and such that bloom on old and new wood! And maybe some oak leaf hydrangeas that bloom in mid summer and have no buds yet
  14. Boarding fees go up after midnight tomorrow, get in early!
  15. F_\_ winter! I'm sure NC will get snow! Why not, it's March!
  16. The little white " non dandelion dandelions, suck! They really mean you have bad , compacted soil! But since this seems to be what your after, job well done!
  17. Never fished there . See a lot of good fish being caught lately. I heard they don't like new fisherman coming and fishing !? But I know Greg lacroy
  18. Yeah! That's awesome! Going this Saturday night for a night tourney! Of course it'll be the coldest night in about 30 days! And saw somebody caught 40+ pound yellow carp at Pops lake last week!
  19. I love clover season! It seems to mingle well with dandelion season, and ooooh , that crabgrass tho !
  20. The beautiful purple carpet of weeds you have, is called henbit! It's a great addition to any winter lawn!
  21. Ok, cool thanks! I'm in aprime spot, and unlike our snowstorms, the bullseye won't shift to my NW!
  22. I know, they always told us in the 80s, it'll burn your cornea or retinas, the light that's not obscure, the outer ring, is way brighter than just the sun! I think it might be safe , with welding goggles!?
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