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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. Glad I don't have Twitter! He's almost as bad as JB! I would love for Wilmington to get 6-12" of snow, while DC gets squat!
  2. God the Panthers suck! Playing like the Cleveland Browns today! Uggggh
  3. Breakin' 2 electric boogaloo, my model of choice at this lead time !
  4. Man, love some Eagles!! But " Cold as Ice" might be appropriate now, god it's cold out!
  5. That's why we have this thread and why I posted it in here!
  6. People still trying to believe anybody besides Kitty Hawk, sees a few crusty flurries flurries on Wed, are going to be in for a big dissapointment! Just pathetic really
  7. The pattern is loaded!! Like a diaper! No way we get 3-4 weeks of 30/40s highs, and not score! It's impossible!!!
  8. Glad the models **** this Sh!t show down quickly! Time to get drunk and shoot some fireworks! and check back tomorrow and make sure our Jan 9th rain is still ago!
  9. They get about as much snow as me, CR , Pack , and Brick
  10. To hear him tell it, he hasn't gotten snow since Jan 2000!
  11. It's a bone- chilling 58 degrees outside! I better start letting my faucets drip! ;(
  12. Clear trends on models today! No snow for you! If west of 95!
  13. I keep seeing all these analogs showing Jan 88 reduxes, then they just go poof! Supposedly the pattern is going to get wetter , but warmer! Go figure
  14. There will be NO snow west of 95! I don't care how much wishcasting goes on! Awesome for Kitty Hawk and N ATL to be at 2000% of normal, while I have TR so far this winter
  15. Oh sweet Jeebus!! Brick just passed out! Glad he's not here anymore
  16. People thinking they are going to get wintry precip out of this unicorn coastal storm! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO L
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