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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. LOL! Pack gonna be making sweet love to the 18z GFS! Nowhere near the NAM!
  2. Brick stocking up on supplies and melting salts! Carolinas crusher 2 electric bugalloo incoming
  3. Pack getting all crazy and calling people names! LOL! Pot meet kettle!
  4. A lot of crying and whining in the main thread! I want to be in the click someday!
  5. Gonna suck for Savannah to get 24" , while you get flurries
  6. Tarheels programmer 69 should be in here shortly, along with mrmommy
  7. Such negative Nancy's these days! What would Brick say!
  8. I predict your gonna be wrong! Don't follow in professor Packs ways
  9. I'm all in! Jan 2000 redux! I had flurries all day, Shetley got about a foot!
  10. Hmmmmmmm , who am I going to believe: Packbacker or Allan Huffman?? Tough call! SMDH
  11. 1973 and 2000 years being thrown around! People must have had some really good stuff last night! i better go get a sled, it's coming waaaay west!
  12. So we've got the NAM and RGEMon our side, what could go wrong!?
  13. Most would be and probably are, better off hugging the toilet!
  14. About 30 minutes from being reversed NAM'd , or GFS'd , if you will
  15. Why you mad, you know the sleet at you and CR's house, is still falling at this time!
  16. Yeah, everybody high fiving with the NAM runs! I even got excited for a moment, but then realized it was the NAM and a coastal storm , which equals 0 for us! Don't worry, we will get plenty of rain when the warm up hits!
  17. In a hangover stooper, it's just easier to click on the TV!
  18. When I wake up to 39 new posts since 2 AM, get excited, then see it just the NAM! Lol! Back to sleep! But TWC has me cloudy on Wednesday, with a high of 43!? Warmest day of the week, just in case a rogue shower break loose!
  19. People thinking the Upstate gonna get snow from this storm! LO damn L
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