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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. The current radar across the South, should put to rest the “ dryer” runs of the models people are worrying about!
  2. Well damn, I only get 16”!
  3. Sounds like he’s pulling a Big Frosty! Roe is me, the trends are for less moisture up here, Grit you think I get an inch? I’m always to far NW in NC, poor me! then ins thread: I’m at 15” and counting, don’t know how, it’s a miracle
  4. I really don’t see ice being a problem in the Upstate, as far as freezing rain goes. I’d be willing to bet we don’t get below 33/34 south of 85 and may get some sleet, snow if we’re very lucky. But starting and spending most of tomorrow in the 40s and not the strongest wedge in the world, guess we will see
  5. But gives some 15-18” totals
  6. You’d be better off in Smyre!!
  7. Sleeting now at Casa de Mack A little ahead of schedule!
  8. I’m hugging the NAM and GFSv3! And taking my 2” of sleet!
  9. That’s a lot of glory already in that WOW map!
  10. All the models trended warmer last night- TARHEELPROGRAMMER
  11. I’m sure you already know what rain looks like, but will do!
  12. I see a lot of ice my way! Temps go to 30/31 degrees from about 7am Sunday-2/3 pm , according to TWCs model “ blend”
  13. If you wish it, it’ll happen, I promise!
  14. Nice map! I can see Caesars head getting 12” easily! TR gets 4-6+”
  15. Is there such thing as a cold rain or sleet blizzard?
  16. TR gets 6-12” easy! They will be shut down till Atleast Wednesday! Nice 4 day weekend for the chitlins
  17. Only consolation, Mid Atlantic still gets zilch!!
  18. I’m gonna say now! We lost the NAM, warmer and N, GFS warms quickly before storm ends! This storm turning into a train wreck! 2 days out
  19. Oooh, that’s a lot of rain, with 0 ice/snow on the lead finger! Ouch
  20. Having the NAM go slightly warmer this morning, is and should be concerning, especially for peeps already in the edge of frozen, like me! And GFSv3 slightly warmer! Not good
  21. Yeah, you are 1000% correct! Seen enough storms to also be leery of the highs on Friday, as we warm ahead of the front! Forecast high of 53 here, can easily see getting to 56-57 degrees! Then precip comes in early Saturday, before CAD sets up!
  22. Love waking up to 3 pages of new posts and 2 3/4 of the pages , are AFDs and some of the same ones 3-4 times!
  23. Yeah, I’m down to 12-14”, not liking the downward spiral trends!
  24. Exactly! That was the stupidest run I’ve seen in 5 days!
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