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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. So we’ve went from blockbuster pattern, to clippers will save us, in about 12 hours ! This winter is the best ever!
  2. The 0z wasn’t as stupid cold , so GFS just being GFS, nor Euro support! So your pipes are safe
  3. Overated! Was in Gastonia for 85, walked the whole creek in the neighborhood, frozen solid and walked on ponds all the way across! Good times
  4. Going to be in the metropolis of Vale,NC today! Hoping to see a few flakes, and snow too!
  5. “ The most amazing stretch of winter weather the SE/E has ever seen is starting in 10 days” JB How can we possibly screw this up!? Gonna be hilarious to watch us go from cold rains to Macon special snowstorms, with a snow for us in the transition!? Winter, I hate you!
  6. What’s a great place to eat in Shelby area? Hwy 18-29/74 area?
  7. SSW effects are a few weeks behind the event! Pattern change right on schedule!!
  8. JB still saying coldest 45 day period in history coming to the East! Even if he’s all wrong, he’s all in! Not flip flopping like that Cohen guy , about the SSW bs!
  9. Good luck with that! It’s been “ happening “ , since mid-late December, and I just got 5 days in a row of 60s, in the coldest part of winter
  10. Doesn’t matter about the firehose, we can’t get the cold down here!
  11. Best.Winter.Ever! Can’t wait to get more rain,I need it
  12. Worried about stale cold, slightly!? If this cold front comes through Wed, an the storm came later Saturday, then might be hard to hold on to cold that long?
  13. 6z trending the right way! A few more tics S, I could get some frozen! Looks good from warm-biased GFS though!
  14. 0z GFS sucked for winter weather, outside the mountains and Wilkes county! MA forum is probably doing backflips now !
  15. South and strung out, is what most want to see on here, better chances at frozen! I’d rather see light sleet and snow, than a drenching 30s degree rain!
  16. I think the CMC had some ridiculous ice totals for the Dec event!? It has a tendency to spit out apocalyptic ice totals!
  17. I don’t remember how far out during the tracking of the Dec storm it was, but I think a few model runs showed miller B options, before finally honing in on the miller A track
  18. Don’t worry, this was always a bonus storm! Pattern change doesn’t even start till the 16th or later! Then we will be tracking rainstorms every 3-5 days! That’ll be new!
  19. The only way I see snow, is y’all to pick me up and take me to Boone! Sucks to live here, if you like snow!
  20. Not with a 1046 in SE Canada! It will be a lot colder, verbatim, on that map!
  21. For the best winter storms and wedges, don’t we want single digit DP’s?
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