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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. Looked promising! Rain fail! All models show me getting .10-.25 total! What might have been!!
  2. Hot and muggy today! Feels like August, not a drop of rain yet, and this is our best chance out of next 10-15 days! Drought begets drought!
  3. Peak probably Nov 1st or so. For the majority of the mountains! Drought and heat really hurting things this year
  4. The cool down is going to be amazeballs and all, but now let’s get some moisture on this parched earth! GSP total rainfall for September was .16, 3rd driest on record! With about 26 days out of 30, seeing highs of 90-98, a very brutal month!
  5. Insert favorite Madea gif: if I hear damn Midoki El Niño one mo’ ‘gin...
  6. I didn’t expect to hit 96, with only around 12 hours of sun! I guess when the ground has turned hard as concrete, cracked and parched, there’s no soil moisture whatsoever left to retard heating! I guess September record heat is better than October snow!? But I’m sure we can still pull it off!
  7. My weeds and lawn are toast!! Even the dandelions and crabgrass aren’t growing! The stretch of 90-95 degree days and weeks upon weeks of no rain, have taken a severe toll on all thing plants!
  8. John has beaten Chris into submission!! He used to be a big snow weenie, like most of us! But now, he is very conservative and always leans on the least snowy models, he’s been burned a few times, lol
  9. The CPC can’t even get their 7 day and 14 day temp and precip maps right! I wouldn’t put much stock or worry in their 90 day outlooks! The Eastcoast above normal precip , is already verifying wrong!
  10. That looks like the last 2 winters in the SE! Wouldn’t be shocked at all
  11. Wait till the Arctic blasts and highs in the 30s, turn into highs in the low 50s in January, that’s my favorite!
  12. It can’t last through the next 6 months, that’s not possible, like having a + NAO for the 3 months of winter, correct??
  13. 0 yesterday. Still not a drop the whole month of September, today ain’t looking good, then 10-15 more drought and 90s
  14. Plan on SE ridge flexing it’s muscle, 97% of the time, the next 6 months!
  15. Not one drop of rain the whole of September, through today! And the last week or so of August, so deadly dry around here! Plants are dying everywhere! Temps in the 92-96 range everyday also isn’t helping! Normal high is 84
  16. We also need a tropical system to break the horrible drought! I think James Shetley would agree!
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