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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. The local tv mets don't seem to think rain is real possibility. They do seem split however on how close this gets so some are saying light snow others think bigger.
  2. Bouchard still hammering the 26/27th fwiw. Fisher doesn't seem very impressed.
  3. Yeah Bouchard said the same thing.
  4. Bouchard hyping the 26th so there's that...
  5. Scooter and kevin, two sides of the same coin....
  6. Clearly you missed the joke. I've been watching the boards for 17 or 18 years and everyone knows day 8 stuff is a fools errand but when the threats start to work out life here will get exponentially better.
  7. This is going to be a lonnnng winter if the day 8 potential doesn't start to come through at some point...
  8. Been saying that for years. A few more years like the last two here (in Boston) and it will be a pay only site. Like Brazzers...
  9. Buy it. Much cheaper than store bought fuel. You can get away with 93 octane but I would not store it in a machine for very long.
  10. It's about $20 a gallon so I personally mix it with 93 about half and half but if you want to splurge strait is fine.
  11. You can cut pump gas with this or buy the 93 octane.
  12. Harvey just mentioned the storm "dumping" the load before it gets here..
  13. Somebody's driven through Somerville in a blizzard.
  14. About an inch of glop here in west somerville. Could really use some bombo right about now... 34..
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