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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. Well anything above a coating here I'll consider a win. Also some tv mets are hedging about amounts already...
  2. If i grab a coating that sticks to the road I'll be happy.
  3. Tell us the truth don't soft pedal it...
  4. Fwiw bouchard is interested but wankum is not impressed...
  5. Just some trash I picked up on the interwebs... Weather Pros
  6. Another Warning near Hyannis. James would have loved this...
  7. Just picked up about a third of an inch in about 4 minutes. One of the heaviest downpours I've experienced.
  8. Nice to have a fellow "villen" in the house. BTW winterhill is not always the snowiest part of the city. (although some bodies are buried there)
  9. India may have an overall low vax rate but with a population of 1.4 billion a 7% vax rate means around a hundred million people are vaccinated . They must know how the vaccines are doing.
  10. Is India (or any other country) seeing a big increase in breakthrough infections?
  11. Maybe an O2 Sensor? Just don't go and ask at autozone for a Johnson bar.
  12. RIP to the best eternal optimist I've ever read on here or anywhere else. Will think of him every time it snows on Harwhich, Cape Cod, Masschusetts.
  13. Amazing day to be outside working. 66 here.
  14. They might live here now but they are definitely not from here.
  15. I was 13 at the time and it was the first early dismissal I can remember. Also my uncle was plowing snow on Boston at the time and had to dump some of it in our driveway. We made a snow fort out of it and it lasted two or three weeks.
  16. I haven't thrown hands in a long long time and I don't plan on doing it unless I'm personally in danger. I don't think that is the case here.
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