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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. All three stations 5, 7, and 10 have mentioned this could all change. These are for the most part "first call maps" .
  2. Well Bouchard does say that this will start just after midnight and will be done 12 hours later. His totals are about 2-4" and to me that's pretty shitty after 12 hours of snow. Haven't seen harvey yet though.
  3. Canceled winter like AB cancelled his career today.
  4. LOL Scott and Will trying to herd cats off the tobin bridge.
  5. EXTREMELY light snow. Counting individual flakes falling into a 34.7 air temp..
  6. Harvey brings the coating to 1" line down to Boston. Others not so optimistic with glazing and rain.
  7. About 30 here. By the time the precip shows up it had better warm up or the local Dpw trucks are going to be scrambling early tomorrow. We are well within the "light rain" area on the maps.
  8. Scott what do you think of the mornig temps on Sunday at the coast? Below freezing as it leaves?
  9. The worst winters are the cold and dry. The 80s had its share of those too. Haven't had much of those around recently (thankfully).
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