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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. Changes much? Boston could easily go into the 4-6" bands but it could also drop to the <1 Not a lot room for error.
  2. Glad to see the models nailing this one down inside of 24 hours....
  3. Pretty nice on the cape right now, 54 in mashpee.
  4. That will help you win in the end but it won't stop the suit being filed anyway hoping for a quick insurance settlement (they pay out most times). I've considered the sub route but the pay is pretty bad and you still need GL for snow work and most companies won't write a policy for city or town work. That work pays the best around here for subs. The other problem is the lack of locally owned and operated property. It's all giant corporations and they typically sub to whomever is the cheapest at providing all the services like cleaning, security, and maintenance.
  5. That's very much the case around here now. Yeah I'm currently being sued by a guy who fell in 2017 three days after a snowstorm and 4 days before the next one. He also waited 4 1/2 years to file... not worth this bullshit anymore.
  6. Wow on air mets will look pretty stupid if this turns from coatings to 3"-5". Backpedal much?
  7. You'll never get your car up that driveway...
  8. I haven't read everything lately, is there a reason they would?
  9. FWIW Bouchard did mention to not get caught up in the model mayhem. Taht said he is also dropping the chances for anyone to get 2'. He also pushed the start of heavy snow back from earlier today.
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