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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. Looks like Boston get about 5" in 6 hours. Those are the best storms.
  2. I was thinking mayo, but both images work now that I think about it..
  3. temps dropping 36 now from 38 a few minutes ago fatties coming down now
  4. The ass end of this thing is.....hauling ass. Temp here is slightly up.
  5. Today might be the most miserable day of this entire winter here. Just a pubic hair above freezing and sleet/rain now some flakes. The kind of damp cold that just bites through you.
  6. Is that timeline slower than the last run? Looks more overnight Sunday/Monday.
  7. Plimoth plantation up to thy Knickers?
  8. Me if the cape is buried I'm sniffing OES
  9. fully expect to this around here by the end of the month.
  10. Hey, when it snows you should get out and enjoy it. (and make some money too)
  11. Sometimes I go Nordic when I'm feeling dirty
  12. Donner pass. The cannibalism part is only available on reddit
  13. I hope it snows soon. I've been reduced to watching Midwestern Internet plowing porn.
  14. Well weatherunderground had a radar map with temps showing heavy rain and temps ranging from high 30s with to mid 40's at the time of posting so take it up with them.
  15. i was just looking at the weather in Europe. The only place where you can find cold outside of the northern Nordic countries is Ukraine (teens). The alps currently are raining heavy with 40's.
  16. Can't say I miss that. Made the street hockey games tough..
  17. One thing about the 80's I remember was when it did snow often times there would remnants on the ground for weeks, even it didn't snow for that entire time. It wasn't always warm back then.
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