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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. Bouchard at NBC dropped Boston to c-1 and just outside of there 2-4. A few hours ago they stuck to their 4-6 in Boston.
  2. Scott what do you think this has left for us coastal folks?
  3. Box sticking with the 4-6 for most of eastern mass. Tonight is going to be wild for that to happen.
  4. As a side note, in my travels today I've seen almost all state trucks out with the private guys. Driving around practicing for when it does snow?
  5. Dryslot moving onto the north shore. Maybe we see some sun!
  6. Yeah that's hard to pull off but if there was year to do it...
  7. I noticed the GFS has surface temps a lot colder for tomorrow than currently forecast. Highs of freezing or slightly above for most of tomorrow. That could be interesting.
  8. Absolutely ripping here in West Somerville. 37
  9. FWIW I think the local mets are going to increase totals at 11. We'll see.
  10. Ok but even still, if the low is further out to sea like it shows wouldn't that help pull the cold down to 32? I hear your skepticism but these models keep amping up and not down this close in.
  11. If Boston doesn't crack double digits then these models are almost worthless. I mean we are 12-14 hours away from go time here.
  12. The local mets really don't know what to do with 495- to the coast. Might not be able to say until tomorrow?
  13. That is the definition of needle threader for EMA. The Surgical precision on that run. Maybe it works out?
  14. Jesus talk about steep gradient. That's a cliff on the coast.
  15. Forecasters around here have stuck with their 6 pm numbers by and large. Smart play to see where things go tonight and 6z tomorrow
  16. I will say though I really hope this doesn't trend anymore in this current direction.
  17. This storm is plowable, personally that's all I could hope for this season.
  18. If this comes in as modeled then tomorrow the alarm bells need to be sounded. Cities, towns and the state's need to put the blizzard plan in effect asap .
  19. I noticed that a good chunk of the snow is Tuesday during daylight hours into Tuesday night. That's sooner than many forecasts said previously.
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