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    Somerville MA.

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  1. That's common for there. We have a house up near the base and during the summer it's always 5-10 degrees above the coast. Easily the hottest part of the cape.
  2. 64. Glorious... can't wait for the 50s and rain in April...
  3. 53 here 48 two miles east. Love spring on the coast...
  4. I would too. That was definitely a memorable storm. That said I would bet a large amount of money that won't happen again for a very long time. Maybe another 30 years? Snow in the first half of March is great, typically it doesn't last long and ice is almost never a concern. After st. Paddy's I'm working outside pretty much full time so non accumulating snow is what typically happens and is just annoying.
  5. Plowable snow after that date though is rare here and in my view pretty pointless unless it's 6+ . I would rather the 45-55 as long n it's not raining.
  6. Snow after st. Paddy's day is pointless around here. Just a cold day with white rain.
  7. It is a fast mover though. Looks to dump 10-12" in about 12 hours for this area. Still far enough to be used for entertainment purposes only right now.
  8. When do you think you'll be ready for your bikini? May? June?
  9. My neighbor had a Labrador, it took giant shits on the sidewalks. Testify!
  10. Now lets keep it for the next 11 days.
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