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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. @Rjay was so pissed about the Giants i got him to admit he roots for the Rangers not the islanders
  2. Was awesome. Wish i came here when i was 22 lol
  3. Can someone push the rain further east in the next few hours please? Need a smooth flight home thx
  4. We've come to expect you being behind in understanding most things, no apologies necessary.
  5. I only answer to @rjaysucksworstmodever
  6. The strain is from rjay not having enough fiber in his diet
  7. I cant believe you guys dont wanna merge with us and get this hard hitting analysis:
  8. Mods arent allowed to not like snow. For shame!
  9. It snows in upstate ny. Ill allow it if we get mac and a draft pick.
  10. Itll say NYC/PhillyPeopleWhoDidntReadTheThreadAndAreTerribleSportsFansWhoBooedSanta
  11. Just ignore rjay and everything will be fine. Maybe even send him a gfy PM once a month, itll help break the ice.
  12. Rjay is drunk and bored. Send him pics of you in your charger and he wont follow through with the merge.
  13. Fwiw....and im trying to word this carefully...if any of you need to pop into the nyc forum to discuss the storm, ask questions, etc...ill make sure you guys dont get the treatment you might receive in other places.
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