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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. Some people misinterpret what they read on other forums and social media and post it here without fact checking. That probably takes up the extra time.
  2. The only thing busting is that gif text i sent you lol
  3. November 11th and theres already bickering over 1 or 2 degrees. Yay.
  4. My dog wont be happy about the last of my tomato plants dying tnite...damn dog stole like 100 grape tomatoes this year.
  5. If there was something else to talk about id agree with you (and it would mean less angry texts from rjay lol)...but man its boring af right now...
  6. Go for it. Funniest response gets to 5 post @Rjay for a week.
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/common_squirrel?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
  8. Time to start putting stuff in the proper threads, everyone. Just pointing it out, mr "banter!", dont get upset.
  9. Excited for the snow to stick easier now with the earlier sunsets.
  10. Or we just change his screenname to cohen
  11. I just want the euro to come out at 1 am instead of 2, is that too much to ask?
  12. Just judge it by how bendy the trees are. My little maple has said its gusting to 78. Shrug. Its not an exact science.
  13. Disregard. Banning @Rjay for sending innapropriate text messages rife with disturbing images.
  14. I cant believe i wasted my one time a year that im funny on this place. Gotta screencap this n send it to my wife.
  15. It worked for me in 4th grade when i forgot my homework. Rooted for the teacher to forget to collect it. Bent down to pray to the spaghetti monster and i knocked her coffee over. She was too distracted to get everyones homework.
  16. Anddddd we're done. Back to the weather.
  17. His "honeymoon". Her "i cant believe this nerd is posting on a weather forum while im standing here in a bikini next to him with an aruba ariba in my hand".
  18. Nah i just felt like typing random crap. Lol
  19. At least some are finally realizing the posts are disappearing and are posting in the banter thread.
  20. I hope you make it onto americas funniest home videos for fainting at the altar.
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