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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. Deaths that dont list covid or probable covid on the death certificate still arent being counted (as of last week) even if there is a safe assumption it was covid related. Its not just “EMTs”, its based on the entire finding from first responder through the telemetry dr and up to the ME office.
  2. No. You just said every home death is being counted as covid. That is a lie. They are counting PROBABLE deaths using reported symptoms by family or by the patient if they had previous hospital/ems contacts. Thats it. If they have no probable cause to label it as covid, they arent. Dont make shit up.
  3. This is a flat out lie. There is a difference between probable cases we are counting and just natural causes for at home deaths. They arent all being reported as covid. Stop.
  4. Holy crap i just realized how long its been since we left eastern. Whoa.
  5. Hes off by roughly 1 million people. Which of course according to him is data noise since .1% of the population dying and .5% arent different.
  6. He is wrong. He stated NYC. Thats for all of NY state.
  7. Getting crushed in rockland, wires down and burning everywhere.
  8. Yeah. Originally we werent doing any of the typical bs runs we usually get that people shouldnt be calling 911 for and we were strictly doing corona related and cardiac arrest type stuff. Seems the last few days we have been getting some of the bs stuff back while still getting crushed with the corona related deaths.
  9. I havent showered when leaving work in 3 weeks, supposedly dirt kills the fake virus, it musta worked cuz i havent caught it yet.
  10. In the bronx, not gonna say which one here lol
  11. Luckier than most right now so far, at least health wise....we’ll see how long it lasts. sorry to hear about what youre going through, dont be afraid to still put your own personal mental health first even when grieving. This is gonna be a brutal few weeks/months for a lot of people.
  12. Unfortunately i have experienced it first hand already, hence my anger at the conspiracy theory bs.
  13. Im trying really hard to defer to katie here....but you have zero clue what in the **** you are talking about and you should give it a rest. Please.
  14. Youre a lost cause.
  15. Oh, is that so? Why’s that?
  16. I was talking about politics but if you want to discuss the weather posts too thats fine.
  17. All good, just am intimately familiar with where the convo will end up here lol
  18. If the banter thread should be for anything, why have any threads at all besides a banter one? Why do we have storm threat threads, regular disco threads, etc?
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