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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. Somers golf club should be bulldozed and literally anything else should be put there. Place is just rude. Golf courses shouldnt have trees. And water. And whats with all that sand? Terrible.
  2. I considered it but we watched diners drive-ins and dives while drinking allagash whites instead.
  3. Ive seen rjay. A model he is not. Dude completely outkicked his coverage in his marriage.
  4. Snow isnt the only thing measured like that.
  5. Nah i only have green and red. Christmas jammies.
  6. Gotta talk to Randy about fixing this thing so i can ban mods...
  7. Of course. Little hand is the hour, big hand is the minute.
  8. I didnt have any heat waves with the thermometer under my deck in the shade near the outdoor cold water faucet pipes either...
  9. I fully plan on starting the christmas season in the next few weeks.
  10. Up in Maine for a few days to get out of NY. They do late summer pretty nice up here....or maybe i just got lucky with some ridiculously nice weather.
  11. Ill cut down your tree for $600. Cant promise where itll land though.
  12. Yup. Typically we’ll just run the basement freezer, our fridge, and a few fans and lights. Less than 10 mins to set up and we arent anywhere near stressing the generator’s supply.
  13. Lost power at 1 am this morning according to my wife. Im hoping its short term as they turn off areas to fix damage....guess ill find out when i get home tonight.
  14. Lost cucumbers and peppers according to my wife. Of course it didnt damage the 7 goddamn billion cherry tomato plants that havent stopped producing tomatoes since early june....
  15. Decent rain now, we can prob get close to 2” if we get a few more of these feeder bands before the precip shuts off this afternoon. At least ill be able to go a few days without watering the garden and i can hold off on putting water in my pool.
  16. As much as i dont want to deal with any aftermath...we really really need the rain. An inch isnt gonna cut it.
  17. A few blocks near me had pretty impressive wind damage, tops of some trees ripped off, a few large ones completely uprooted which took out a gas main, very localized but wasnt just a run of the mill thunderstorm here.
  18. I woulda. I like my half hour commute though. Dunno how some of these psychos drive from pine bush and areas up there to the city, even if it is only a couple times a week lol. If i stay up there anywhere, its gonna be Lake Placid area anyway. Of course that depends on a lot more than just my dreams, most of which involve the politics that dont belong here lol
  19. Meanwhile, less than 30 miles north, lol
  20. Left the Sacandaga lake area it was in the 60s, foggy, and wet. Didnt see any blue sky this morning till about Kingston.
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