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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. So whats the cutoff for “snow this early is a bad sign for winter” and “early season snow like the days of yore”? My guess is I-84?
  2. First time in years im going pumpkin picking when it actually feels like fall...
  3. Surface tension is pretty strong to overcome gravity like that
  4. New rule. If you declare something over (a storm threat, a season, an entire atmospheric condition or precip type) but post in threads about said condition, all of your posts must end in lyrics by Dennis Leary’s most famous song.
  5. My maple has awesome colors. My neighbors 2 maples havent turned yet. Really weird.
  6. Good thing we have Walt and dont just rely on looking at the NAM....
  7. @Rjay‘s wife reading over his shoulder and making fun of us for being “weather nerds” doesnt really count as lurking imo...
  8. Stop posting depressing shit ya psycho
  9. No 30s like yesterday, stopped falling at 40. We’ll still finish September above normal (as usual), but a “hot” september this wasnt.
  10. Was that the same storm that we were told the nws gets the models 3 hours before the public? And that they just withold it for gits and shiggles? Edit: nope, almost exactly a year before lol
  11. The whining about one or two slightly below normal days amongst a neverending sea of warmth is kinda friggin annoying.
  12. With the first pick in the draft and the isles will be joining them golfing shortly. Unless you wanna hang banners for a playoff series win. Lol
  13. I kinda hope that happens just to watch them blow it in the finals anyway, and then miss the playoffs next year.
  14. Good for them...theyve been on the Knicks slow train to mediocrity for decades. Happy for all 3 of you fans.
  15. Im gonna request my ashes are shot into the air near an outflow boundary...gonna make it rain on you all.
  16. August 20th, 2022. Subforum outing at resorts world.
  17. Casinos are reopening when we going?
  18. They do. Its a picture of long island pizza
  19. Sounds like rjays neck of the woods
  20. You mean i should finally return the measuring cup i stole and relabeled from my moms kitchen about 18 years ago?
  21. Seems like you missed some opportunities as a teenager...
  22. I didnt spend much time “on” the links, per se. adjacent to? On front lawns and shrubbery? Yes.
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