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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/north-american-mesoscale-forecast-system-nam-12-km https://www.ecmwf.int/en/newsletter/147/meteorology/new-model-cycle-brings-higher-resolution these seem to state otherwise.
  2. https://wildcardweather.com/2015/02/21/learn-to-read-a-skew-t-diagram-like-a-meteorologist-in-pictures/ there are better sites for explanations out there....youtube has some quick vids too but this is an ok quick guide.
  3. I wish people here analyzed the models as much as they analyze the posts and posters, we’d have an amazing thread....
  4. Good thing this forum is more than long island. Now back to our storm....the other nonsense can continue in banter.
  5. Snowman’s call? Agreed. Hey, where’d that wizard guy go? He was in agreement with snowman.
  6. I didnt say anything about not talking. Declaring a storm over because it switches to rain in your particular area of the subforum is beyond obnoxious and ruins any chance at a decent discussion. Not to mention the whining is worse than my kids zoom school classes. and fyi, im in the nyc area too.
  7. Im ok w some sleet if we can get back to snow...helps the pack have a chance to make it to xmas...
  8. Friendly reminder that this subforum consists of the entire metro area...including parts that are going to do well in this storm, and some that wont.
  9. How is the nam STILL THIS F*CKING SLOW? Its been decades and it still takes it 47 minutes to go from hour 36 to hour 39.
  10. Been all snow for a couple hours now, very light...just some slush on the coldest surfaces.
  11. Yanks WS win for macchump is a good trade. Hes an ok guy...but adding another championship was worth it. Godspeed sir.
  12. Adding to this...i often wonder if some of you realize that your old posts dont just go away...
  13. Because the yankees won the 09 series.
  14. Anyone know how to fix this, got any new radar and sat links, etc? @SACRUS you still around?
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