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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. My dog wont come inside when its snowing. Shes obsessed.
  2. Ive created a monster. Daughter woke me up at 5:45 to say its snowing. doesnt she know who i am?
  3. Im off till wed. I definitely dont have enough beer.
  4. I assumed it was rjay since i found his pornhub username.
  5. You should see the porn site forums then...
  6. Yeah, random. Companies can claim all they want that theres no thc in any of their stuff, but its not fully regulated yet.
  7. Wow, that might be the first time ive ever been lower than you? Got to 11, stayed there for almost 2 hours.
  8. Rjay texted me the euro overnight but i had taken 3 advil pm....definitely couldnt figure out what the hell i was looking at.
  9. The NE forum has 5000’ mountains and cape cod. They get the same sharp cutoffs, the same dryslots, the same whiny “im gonna mix while the interior gets hammered”....population has nothing to do with it, and thats the problem. There are people here who legitimately believe that rjay has more of a “right” to posting here than i do, simply because long island is more populated, ignoring the fact that im 3x as close to central park as he is.
  10. Or people can post better. Other forums have areas literally thousands of times larger.
  11. I couldnt give 2 shits about anyone else’s backyard. Give me all the snow plz
  12. Stop trying to jinx me you bully
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