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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. If you think youre gonna get rain (a distinct possibility), then maybe take a break from this thread if its bothering you that much lol. There are those IN THIS SUBFORUM that cant reasonably expect snow. Whine somewhere else for the love of god lol
  2. The pond i played on as a kid is frozen enough for hockey for only like the 2nd time in the last decade or so. Its really weird to me that some of the same people whining about cold and dry are the same who root for above avg temps in summer.
  3. Weird. Guess others should have treaded lightly when claiming we were gonna go ++++EPO.
  4. Are we done? For fucks sake. This is the weather banter thread. Enough political bs.
  5. Please use the multi quote. Please. please. Thank you.
  6. My fake snow wont melt. Who do i call?
  7. Didnt take you for a dreamer of utopia…
  8. Posting this but ignoring those who only posts bad news just proves everyone is subjective, and if you only call out one side then it does everyone here a disservice and cheapens your intended message.
  9. Its powder with ice underneath. Drive up here ill serve you dinner. Bring me cookies
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