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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. Not bad for 5:45 pm. Guess we must be a hot spot too.
  2. Maybe hold off on the whining about not getting rain until the people who had to be legitimately saved from death today can dry off…jmho
  3. Radar estimates of over 8”. Jesus.
  4. Bear mountain through highland falls and west point is in deep doo doo.
  5. Sounds like its pretty legit, havent seen any pics yet though.
  6. Severe flooding in northern Rockland. Palisades and 9w closed, flooding on hiking trails has some people trapped.
  7. Suffern area gonna be in trouble i think.
  8. You guys got your east and west messed up ehh?
  9. Perfect morning at the shore. Now i just gotta find a wawa and a 7/11 slushie on my way home and my day will be complete.
  10. If a storm dropped an inch 10 miles to your south and you missed out, thats not a forecasting fail.
  11. Pouring here. Thought it was over after that last storm swung through….maybe i should check radar and soundings more than once a day
  12. Storm over woodbury looked pretty decent. Can see the cloud tops from nyack.
  13. +12. One day the high will stay at 29ish and the usual suspects will claim this as proof of the hoax.
  14. I havent mowed my front lawn in about 6 weeks. Backyard ill probably have to do 3 times this week
  15. Happy birthday @mappy! Andy is still really old, so at least we got that going for us.
  16. 2 strikes on my street. Getting crushed right now. Can smell the ozone in the pouring rain.
  17. They might get lucky, looks like a few hours of dry coming up later. forgot all about that until the blue angels flew over my head on the TZ the other day lol
  18. Havent checked this morning yet but should be enough to not have to water the garden for a few days at least.
  19. Only question on the application is “is rockland county part of the metro area” lol
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