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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. I just drove west from tappan to montvale, the difference in a couple miles is kind of staggering. Tappan still had flooding issues, debris everywhere, flooded houses in sparkill and tappan. Montvale there arent branches down.
  2. That line developed just to your southwest, even parts of rockland only had 15-20 mph gusts but the southeastern section looks like 40s in poorly placed weather stations. harriman state park got crushed, water rescues at anthony wayne. finished with 3.2” here looks like.
  3. That was the most constant “heavy” winds here since Sandy, no exaggeration. Have had plenty of storms that produced, but that was hours of nonstop that peaked with that line. Half the major roads in the county are closed due to flooding. Couple trees down on houses, numerous water rescues.
  4. Damn band started to set up about 2 miles north of me and i sat in subsidence for hours. Oh well.
  5. Always amazed me how well the models pick up the hudson river further north of the city and the maps responded accordingly. This could be one of those Nyack right on the river gets an inch or two and on the other side of the palisades cliffs gets 4” a mile away.
  6. Its so fucking obnoxious. Bunch of children whining and shitting up the thread because its not going to snow where they live and they thought it was 3 days ago.
  7. Even a little front end snow in the northern areas before rain could make the difference between minor flooding and another disaster.
  8. Everyone who cancelled the storm and is still posting in the storm thread is probably going bye bye regardless of the outcome.
  9. Explains the panicked explosion 911 calls from roosevelt island and LI city.
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