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About BxEngine

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  1. The euro either has the same cold bias on some runs or….
  2. Just had the strongest wind gusts we’ve had around here in a long time. Could hear a few trees snap and a transformer or two let go.
  3. Dropped 6 degrees in the last 40 mins. Gonna be a miserable day.
  4. Oh its definitely too big. Get rid of jersey and we have a deal.
  5. Your subjectiveness is kinda dumb. Lost some respect. Lol
  6. Thats insane. We’re so f*cked.
  7. Metro != city. Ill keep fighting it, dont care. Lol
  8. So much for the last freeze being last week
  9. We spent enough on the damn thing might as well use it.
  10. Most of the area is still In the low to mid 40s at 9:30. Who started near 50?
  11. The pub is my favorite place. The great adirondack unfortunately closed last year suddenly. That spot had great beer and amazing steak. But if the pub ever closes im starting a gofundme to buy it.
  12. Agreed, unless its some freak event thats probably killing tens of thousands of ppl somewhere on earth.
  13. Yeah wind kinda subsided for a few hours, at least up here.
  14. 7 years ago was 2018. You suck at math.
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