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Everything posted by Streak

  1. 11:30 am, 45 degrees here with no wind/breeze; feels very mild out. I’m grateful for the sections of somewhat patchy cloud cover that allow some occasional sunlight through. Edited to say, I think my mindset is similar to most of the regular contributors here in that if it’s going to be in the 40s anyway, I’d rather it be pleasant than miserable. Any day that I can comfortably be out for a long leisurely walk with the dog is a good day.
  2. It was surprisingly mild in York yesterday mid-afternoon. Bright sunshine and no wind. Actual temp where I was was probably low to mid 40s, but it felt warmer. It’s about 23 here now. Weather Underground says the overnight low was 21.
  3. 46 here as of 12:15 pm. Sunlight heavily filtered by widespread hazy cloud cover but enough is getting through that it feels more like “partly cloudy” than overcast. The mild temperature combined with the bit of sunlight and little to no wind makes it feel spring-like today, especially compared to yesterday’s chilly weather and flurries.
  4. 34 degrees and cloudy as of 8:15am. I usually prefer these smaller trace events, especially early in the season. Still beautiful but no shoveling and (usually) no increased driving risk.
  5. I thought you might be making a car pun; winter might not be a “Lemon” but a “Ferrari” (taking some liberties with the spelling and pronunciation, of course, but it works!)
  6. Perhaps he’s busy negotiating some unholy bargain with the dark gods of weather
  7. Kind of amazed at how much cooler it still is in your area! I saw that just an hour ago you were still at 45. The temp did go up pretty quickly but you’re usually at least a degree or two warmer than here. Up to 63 here now; an Ambient station about 2 miles north (just outside John Rudy park) is pushing 64.
  8. Near Rocky Ridge park in east York, 60 degrees and sunny with a light breeze as of 10:45 am.
  9. You and Wim Hof … (I’m more like the Wegmans lady, wanting to break out the parka when the temperature dips below 40)
  10. Sounds great but I think the frosty beverage disqualifies it as a “dry” weekend
  11. I’ll pitch in for the heat if we can negotiate down on the dewpoint!
  12. As of 12:40 pm, 71 and sunny here; dew point 59.6. (I wish the first two weeks of October had been like this…)
  13. This morning was definitely light jacket weather for me! Guess I better start building up my cold tolerance Edited to add that I quite enjoy the slower, more gradual cool down as we transition into winter. I’m really looking forward to the “no longer warm but not yet cold” weather coming up over the next few weeks.
  14. As of 12:45 pm it’s 58 degrees here and a pleasant mix of sun and clouds. Fairly steady wind; I’d guess somewhere around 10 mph with occasional gusts around 15 mph (local Ambient stations are reporting similar numbers). When the wind settles down it feels much milder, almost too warm for even a light jacket. My canine friend is thoroughly enjoying this cooler weather. Makes it just the tiniest bit easier to say goodbye to summer.
  15. I think Bubbler’s right — might not be any upper 70s or 80s with high dew points, but I’d bet we still have a few more warm days coming up. For what it’s worth, I miss summer and the longer daylight hours too. I don’t know how old you are but one thing that helps a little is that the older (and busier, it seems) I get, the faster time seems to fly by. The holidays come and go quickly and then we just have to get through a few months, likely with some mild spring-like days scattered here and there throughout, and it will be mid-spring again before you know it.
  16. Rain just started here a few minutes ago, around 1:15 pm. Sky had been looking rather ominous for about 45 minutes prior to that and I was starting to wonder if we might get a surprise thunderstorm.
  17. As of 11:45am it’s 70 and sunny here, light breeze; closest Ambient station says dew point is 60.6 but it feels very comfortable outside right now. Some of you would probably consider it too warm but to my mind this is a perfect fall day. Hope you all get a chance to enjoy it.
  18. Just after 2 pm, it’s overcast and 67 here. My point-and-click weather apps are all still saying it will reach mid 70s here but it doesn’t feel like it’s warming up, so I’m not so sure. Occasional light breeze, very pleasant out; perfect day, really, minus the gray sky.
  19. I really enjoy them on occasion. Two-three times a week, no problem. Four or more consecutive days and it starts to get old.
  20. Same here - just a couple degrees warmer, but steady light rain/drizzle for about 45 minutes. I consider this an improvement. If it’s going to be nonstop gray and dreary, might as well get some rain out of it.
  21. Honestly I’m more looking forward to seeing the sun again than the cooler temps. For awhile the humidity was starting to feel like a personal affront (lol) but I quite enjoy fall weather that bounces around between warm (mid 70s) and crisp (low 60s). The constant gray skies are a real drag, though.
  22. I’m out later today than yesterday so there’s always the risk that it will get very uncomfortable while I’m out, but yesterday, instead of being warm and soupy it was like walking through a cool mist. Not bad at all. It’s like that now too; hopefully it lasts awhile longer.
  23. 76 here, starting to see some breaks in the clouds now but it’s been near complete cloud cover for most of the day thus far. There’s a large, dark cloud hovering overhead, slowly making its way east, and looks like more storm clouds to my southwest, but no more rain since early this morning. Had a little over a tenth of an inch total. I’m a little surprised by how swampy it is today. I thought the dew points might be at least a little lower this time of year.
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