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Everything posted by Streak

  1. Oh man, SO sorry to hear that. Had a recent bereavement here too and while it’s soul-crushing whenever it happens, it hits particularly hard around the holidays. This internet stranger is feeling your loss.
  2. As of about 10:10 it was snowing here - not just flurrying but snowing. Seems to be slowing down quite a bit now and there’s nothing sticking yet, but hoping we end with at least a dusting. Very happy either way with the mood flakes.
  3. Surfaces (including trees, etc) still have a solid coat of ice here and there’s a slushy freezing rain falling right now. WU app says it’s 33 degrees; nearby ambient stations are at 32.5 and 32.7. I’d love to get some snow with this, but I know better than to expect it. Edited to say, untreated surfaces are still coated with ice. As far as I know, roads are okay but I’m still glad to be working from home today.
  4. 39, partly-to-mostly sunny and pretty mild on sporadic moments when the wind is calm. But so far we’re getting consistent canderson wind gusts that make it feel significantly colder. My point and click Weather Underground app says we’re getting wind gusts up to 27 mph and that it feels like it’s 30 out. That sounds/feels about right.
  5. As of 12:39 we’re getting some precip here - not quite flurries but not rain, either - something frozen or partially frozen, and very tiny “drops”, like frozen drizzle. I don’t think it quite counts as freezing rain, but it looks and feels very wintry out right now. Edit: coming down much steadier now, and with some legit flurries mixed in. I was expecting the precip to start at 2 and for us to have nothing but rain. My dog has a vet appointment today at 3 so I’m really hoping this doesn’t turn out to be an overperformer.
  6. 8pm, very balmy 70 right now and 67.1 dewpoint. Lots of crickets, too; feels and sounds like a late-summer night.
  7. Overcast with a bit of fog and intermittent drizzle, but very mild 64 here as of 12:20.
  8. High noon, 68 and sunny here about 1 mile west of Rocky Ridge park in York county.
  9. 70 here but ditto the clouds wind. Feels more like mid to late October.
  10. We had .13 in my neighborhood according to the iweather radar, which is on par with what nearby Ambient stations are showing. Hopefully next time we’ll cash in.
  11. It was cloudy and a few degrees cooler about 30 minutes ago when we first stepped outside, but the sun is now burning through this morning’s clouds and fog. It’s an uncomfortable 78 right now with partly cloudy skies, 67 dew point, and only an occasional breeze for some relief.
  12. 79 and sunny with a light breeze here, just shy of 11 AM. Nearby Ambient stations show 66 for the dew point, but it feels lower than that, probably because of the breeze. Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful late-summer day.
  13. Had .02” of rain here. Very tropical feel right now with light drizzle, 73 dp and sunlight peeking through as the clouds break up a bit.
  14. Steady rainfall here for at least the past 5 minutes, maybe a bit longer. Training and MJS, I imagine you’ll be getting some rain from this. (Sorry Canderson; if it were up to me I’d send some of this in your direction)
  15. Wind did start to pick up just before I went inside around 7:30. Just stepping back out and there’s a gentle but steady breeze now, too. Be really nice if that persists throughout the day.
  16. Yes, worst here too. We set out a bit later than usual but still, even during this recent heat it’s been pretty comfortable from 6:30 to 7:30 most mornings. Higher temp and DP this morning and very little breeze; makes a big difference. As of 7:15 am, 79 out and 70 dp. More clouds than not, but some nice pops of blue and sunshine streaming through. Uncomfortable but scenic.
  17. Better to be realistic about it but I agree, it’s really hard to watch this fall apart.
  18. Dark clouds overhead and strong wind gusts that make it feel much cooler out than the 85 shown on my point-and-click app. I wasn’t expecting any storms this way and I’m still convinced we won’t see any rain, but the clouds and wind seem to suggest at least a chance.
  19. 88 here with 68 DP. Felt very hot around midday, no surprise there, but even with the high-ish DP it’s not bad out right now. Warmer than I prefer this time of day, but still another beautiful evening.
  20. Another beautiful morning so far with clear skies and a steady breeze for most of the past hour, keeping things very comfortable. Most of the breeze tapered off about 10 minutes ago and it’s finally just starting to feel humid. Currently 73 and DP 67.
  21. Those DPs do not sound bad at all… that’s downright pleasant for this time of year.
  22. No rain here yesterday but it’s a beautiful morning; 68, clear skies and until a couple minutes ago there was a light but steady breeze. It doesn’t feel muggy yet, the light breeze is mostly taking care of that, but there’s definitely that feeling that it’s gearing up to be a scorcher.
  23. Steady, soaking rain here for the past 5 to 10 minutes. Hope everyone who needs it gets some rain from this system.
  24. Yeah, we definitely did not have anywhere between 3/8 to 5/8 cloud coverage during the day; it was more like 8/8 with brief moments of 7.5/8. On the bright side, the iweather.net radar says I got about .35 of rain today, which checks out with nearby Ambient stations. (And it’s been legit partly sunny for about the last hour, so even that was delayed not denied)
  25. 83, overcast, dp 72; predictably muggy when the wind is still, but not bad at all when there’s a breeze going. Wind has been picking up a bit over the last 15 minutes or so and some darker clouds overhead but no rain so far. My weather.gov forecast says “partly sunny” for both today and tomorrow. I’ve come to realize that “partly sunny” here almost always means “wall-to-wall clouds, but with a few rare moments, spread very intermittently throughout the day, where the sun might very briefly, and only partially, break through”.
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