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Everything posted by BuildingScienceWx

  1. They opened a rage room not to far from your house... worth the money and it's BYOB.
  2. Wow! This is the most comprehensive set of maps I've come across for CT. That site has a lot of historic information as well, super impressive. Thanks JDJ.
  3. Agree. But you have the cutoff energy in the SW trending a bit further west each of the last 6 cycles. It allows for the trough to be too negatively tilted and leave the energy behind it. Would like to see that trend back a bit east again, it looks like there's a lot of sensitivity to it.
  4. 2.9" here in Bethany, CT. Temps hovering around 32F. Pasty.
  5. I would've bet serious amounts of money at terrible odds 24 hours ago that there would be no chance that Dover DE received more digital snow than Worcester in any model run leading up to this event...
  6. Doesn't appear to be much. My place in VT (West Dover) is currently sitting at 29.8F. Precip from here on out is spotty at best.
  7. Bethany has a few roads in the northern section of town over 800'. I lost a bidding war to one of the houses at 820'...
  8. I thought this was pretty well modeled by the HRRR up until 7am or so when the radar should light up again with the deepening low to our south.
  9. Pouring and roaring outside right now. 1.28" in the bucket.
  10. This website is always neat to check out during larger storm wind events: https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-73.22,38.76,2507/loc=-78.328,32.585
  11. Starting as snow in our area. No mention of that in the forecast.
  12. Wrapping up here. Stayed down in CT for the storm. Pedestrian storm around these parts. 4.1" storm total. Good luck up there to my northeast, though looking at the radar I think you'll enjoy your afternoon.
  13. 2.1". 30.2 / 29.8. Enjoy that band to our north, looks amazing. Not looking promising to meet out WSW criteria at the moment.
  14. Agreed on the wind. The snow is certainly underperforming here. 1.6" and the temp has increased 1 degree in the last hour. 30.0 / 29.7
  15. 1.1". 29.1/28.8. Went through some moderate to heavy bands, snow growth isn't terrible, but it isn't great.
  16. Moderate snow. 0.5". 29.1 / 28.8. 35-40dbz band about to roll through.
  17. First flakes around 5:15pm. Light snow with the radar filling in to the south. 31.5/24.4
  18. Thanks Jon, but in looking at that positive depth chart, my house is in the bullseye lol. My wife isn't going to like it, but I'll offer to take the kids....
  19. Trying to determine if I should stay in CT or head up to my weenie spot in southern VT. I was originally going to stay down here but it's hard to deny the north trend. Front-end looks more exciting in CT (but I'm on the southern edge currently and tainting looks likely), but that h850 easterly flow into VT at 2300' would probably do pretty well. I NEED SNOW in my life. Any suggestions?
  20. Still pouring outside. Absolute soaker once again with 2.75" and counting from this event. Over a foot (of MF'n rain) month to date. I'm up to 76.75"+ on the year. Certainly the wettest on record at my place. Heading to our VT place at 2300' with the family this morning... we'll enjoy the mud.
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