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About Snowproblem

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Pikesville, MD

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  1. I don’t get the hate for JB2. He wants snow just like we all do and readily admits it. His headlines may be a bit “clickbaity” but if you actually read his posts I don’t think he unnecessarily hypes snow. He lays out the possibilities of what would have to happen just like many folks do in these long range threads. .
  2. I just want to take a moment and thank you, @psuhoffman, for your reasoned responses and patience. It is my understanding these long range threads are supposed to be about analysis and model discussions about long range threats. With @Bob Chill and @showmethesnow MIA, you are the voice of reason and one of the few members who actually posts true analysis consistently. So, again, thank you and please continue to post. I don’t mind occasional tangents but, unfortunately, some folks on here primarily post just to bitch and moan. It’s tiresome and I wish they would take it banter or panic room.
  3. What is a heat flux event? Is this the same sudden stratospheric warming?
  4. Ditto! SN+ just outside the beltway in Pikesville. Not quite covering the grass yet but it will soon.
  5. Bust? 3 inches plus it’s supposed to continue most of the day. You’ll most likely pick up an additional 2-3 which seems right in line with most forecasts around the Reisterstown area.
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