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Everything posted by wxmeddler

  1. It is so great that you all are such a tight knit community down there. I'm sure the "lean on me" mantra is echoed strongly right now.
  2. Lets flip this statement around: "While the National Weather Service warnings are a boon to the public at large, they are not suited to the requirements of specific businesses." AccuWx is a business, thus they are suited to the requrements of specific businesses. They are not suited to the public at large simply because their services are not designed or priced for the public. Unfortunately the number of the pubic is 10^x fold greater than the number of "specific businesses".But who really needs the services? The public, and that's where the NWS comes in, and why they are so crucial.
  3. Oh my that's horrible! Im sure stories are echoed much in your town in the past few days. Glad you and yours are safe.
  4. let's take a guess of how many storm reports there will be in the next 24 hours. To compare there was 148 tornadoes in 24 hours with 1974. That equates to about 400-600 tornado reports today. I'm going to go with 210 tornado reports and 1460 other severe reports for a total of 1670 hail/wind/tor. reports.
  5. Welcome to the boards! Rumor is that you get a lot of snow.. nice!

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