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About wxmeddler

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Silver Spring,MD

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  1. Rates can overcome any ground temp. We just don't have the rates. Visibility hasn't dropped below a mile at DMW or FDK Edit: Which isn't surprising. Pretty abysmal thermodynamics going on.
  2. Parr's Ridge is probably about the only place in the state that is accumulating right now..
  3. Was snow when I left Silver Spring this morning, turned to rain as I went downhill into College Park. Very noticeable R/S line at ~300ft.
  4. We work with local entities at every level. It's hard, but worth it. Wouldn't be possible without the crew we got going.
  5. Snow TV achieved at 360' elevation in Silver Spring. Apparently still rain down in College Park (50').
  6. As an FYI for everyone using this, the snow depth sensors are only accurate to about +/- half an inch. So use your common sense if it's just starting to stick and it says zero OR it says 0.3" and it's raining. We're working on better QA/QC to try and make those kinds of errors happen less often; but as we know, snow depth is about the hardest thing to measure accurately. In addtion, it's only measuring ONE point on the ground, it doesn't know the difference between a drift and a scour.
  7. High water mark for me in this event is SnowTV down to the fall line, and at least an inch along Parr's Ridge.
  8. This morning's IAD EML, brought to you by... The Mexican High Plateau.
  9. Weird that there is thunder... realtime guidance has no MUCAPE. lol
  10. Perfectly placed. Gonna "waste" about 45 min for it to move through.
  11. Started as snow in Silver Spring. Pretty heavily sublimated though. Tiny flakes thus far.
  12. There should be some good fluff to this, that's not a wet slop.
  13. Not sure what more you would want at this point with this wave. This is excellent, especially up near the Mason-Dixon, -12 at 700 overlapped with the best frontogenesis forcing is perfection.
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