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Everything posted by hawkeye_wx

  1. The next six hours is when the Euro continues to insist Milton will make a left hook, moving almost straight north for a few hours. It'll be interesting to see if that is actually correct.
  2. The latest center dropsonde shows the pressure is up to 914 mb.
  3. The latest dropsonde is back down to 926 mb.
  4. And now it's 911 mb. Such an extreme low pressure requires incredible inner core structure. Any disruption will send the pressure back up pretty quickly.
  5. The pressure is rising now (latest extrap pressure is 909 mb), and this is why. The inner eyewall is finally beginning to break up a bit.
  6. 901 mb and 902 mb per the latest dropsondes from the two planes that just went through the eye.
  7. Recon is going to make one more pass before it has to fly home.
  8. The CDO was still a hair ragged in the nw quadrant first thing this morning, but just over the last couple hours it has become significantly more circular and uniform.
  9. A few spots in northeast Iowa and also western Iowa have bottomed out in the low 30s this morning.
  10. The recon plane went in one more time and found 976 mb. The track of the center has been south of east during this plane's flight.
  11. Recon has found no pressure drop over the last 1 hr, 16 min..... still 977 mb. This plane is now done.
  12. Two separate dropsondes show a pressure drop of 1 mb in the last ten minutes, now 978 mb w/ 12 kt wind.
  13. We are only getting two passes from this recon plane. The next plane should be in there this evening.
  14. 985 mb per recon dropsonde..... 3 mb drop between passes.
  15. The 12z gfs track is interesting. Initially, it is farther south, close to the Yucatan like the latest Euro. However, then it doesn't just turn northeast, but north-northeast, and ends up farther north than previous runs.
  16. The visible loop looks very good. A nice ring of bubbly convection continues to surround the center. The next recon is on its way and should be in the eye in a couple hours. We need a moderator to clean out some of the garbage posts polluting this topic this morning.
  17. The 06z Euro took a big jump south, shows Milton's center almost scraping the coast of the Yucatan.
  18. I'm simply referring to the structural change that leads to much of the precip shifting to the northern half of the circulation.
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