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Everything posted by hawkeye_wx

  1. After becoming quite dry again recently, I picked up 0.51" of rain yesterday and another 0.78" this morning. We may get more later.
  2. I'd say our brief drought is pretty much over. My August rain total is 4.26" after two good soakers this week. The lawns have greened up.
  3. I received another 1.53" of rain this morning. We had lightning and thunder for 2-3 hours, the best of the season. My 3-day total is 3.14". While there was little wind during the rain, strong wind (40+ mph) at the back edge caused garden damage and blew bird feeders down.
  4. Yes, I am experiencing the same thing. Scrolling and typing are very laggy and very annoying. I hope it can be fixed.
  5. We were in a good spot this morning. The line intensified a bit as it moved in and then a big rain shield filled in behind the line. I finished with a great 1.61" of rain. The far north side of Cedar Rapids received nickel size hail, but I did not see any. The wind gusted to 30-40 for a bit, but it wasn't bad. This is the first time all summer an expected heavy rain event verified. OT: About a week ago, this site(only this site) suddenly became very slow & laggy for me. It makes typing posts difficult. Any idea what the issue could be? OT Update: There is a thread about this on the home page that has a few posts, but that's it.
  6. Models are suggesting the gulf could perk up in 7-10 days.
  7. COD is down, but there's an odd quirk. While I cannot make any fresh connections to the site, the two radar loops I had running yesterday when COD went down are still working and continue to refresh.
  8. I just saw a funnel cloud from my house... my first ever. I was outside at the end of my street, in an open area, when I saw what appeared to be a funnel dipping out of a small cell that had just popped. It drifted south and became better defined for 5+ minutes, then dissipated just as the sirens went off. It apparently came 3/4 of the way to the ground. The NWS is asking if anyone saw it touch down. Here in the city my view of the horizon was obstructed .
  9. The dewpoint has really shot up today. It is now 75º. There is no wind at all, so it's pretty sultry outside, even though clouds kept the temp down a bit today. Monday's rain event is now not looking so great for much of Iowa. This summer has been a broken record.
  10. Fortunately, last night's line of storms remained solid a bit longer than models suggested. I picked up 0.63" of rain. The northeast side of CR got over an inch. It was nice to experience rain, wind, and lightning/thunder again. There has been far too little of it this year.
  11. I will finish July with 2.50" of rain. 1.54" of that fell from one storm on the 16th when I wasn't expecting any rain.
  12. I'm not a fan of the once-a-week one-and-done rain chance pattern. For the last month, our one significant rain event occurred on a day when I wasn't expecting anything. All the marginal fropa rain chances have been duds. Once again last night I only picked up 0.21".
  13. So, 92º was the highest temp the Cedar Rapids airport was able to attain during the entire stretch of heat, and now all the storm activity is totally skipping over this area. *sigh*
  14. The ISU mesonet site has been down since about noon.
  15. Last week, the euro was suggesting we could get a 9-day stretch of 90+, with a few days of 100 possible. Here we are at Wednesday of the following week and we haven't even started the heat wave. The Cedar Rapids airport has only hit 90º once, three days ago. We should certainly reach the 90s the next three days.
  16. The SPC is expecting the MCS to possibly strengthen this afternoon as central and eastern Iowa heat up and destabilize.
  17. Yeah, the CAMs insisted the morning MCS would crap out as it entered nw Iowa. So far it is holding together very well.
  18. A surprise cluster of cells this evening converged on Cedar Rapids and dumped a MUCH-needed 1.53" of rain on my yard. The first inch fell in only 18 minutes.
  19. Euro still showing 100+ for Chicagoland later next week. I didn't think that was a possibility this summer given how wet the region was coming out of spring, but the ground has really dried out.
  20. Last night's op euro has 100º here from day 7-10... with zero rain through day 10.
  21. I picked up 0.07" of rain from a tiny cell late this afternoon. My July total is now 0.17". Models show little if any rain over the next ten days. The lawns are going to dry up, big time.
  22. We could use some rain. I've only received 0.10" this month. The models don't look great for Iowa over the next 7-10 days.
  23. Two straight days I've been missed by the frustratingly-pulse'y storms.
  24. I picked up 0.48" of rain from the line this evening. I will finish June with 3.76" (avg is 4.9").
  25. Same here. I was outside taking a hummingbird feeder down when the gust front hit. I just held on.
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