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About hawkeye_wx

  • Birthday 10/10/1974

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Cedar Rapids, IA

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  1. I finished with 0.85" of rain. Locations around Ottumwa got 2+", which is why the ice was twice as thick down there.
  2. We lost power for about 40 minutes. Tree branches have a good 1/4" of ice on them. There is up to 3/8" in spots. It's good that the icing is done. We have finally crept above freezing and the precip is diminishing. The worst icing was over southeast Iowa, where as much as 1/2 to 3/4" of ice built up on the trees.
  3. We got a solid glaze overnight, but it's not a problem for trees so far. The surface is also rough/bumpy due to a little sleet that got mixed in. We should get one more batch of heavier precip before the temp rises above freezing.
  4. Cedar Rapids hit 60º. Des Moines hit 64º and Ames hit 65º.
  5. Iowa is way over-performing today. A couple days ago it was supposed to be upper 40s here. This morning it was raised to the low 50s. It is currently 59º. Central Iowa is in the low 60s.
  6. The latest models have trended away from a good snow event. Instead, we get a fast zonal to nw flow that shears out any decent energy and suppresses moisture. This morning's Euro hardly has a sprinkle or flake here through ten days.
  7. I got 0.2" last night after dark when the temp fell below freezing.
  8. We are getting snow showers, but the flakes are tiny and it's too warm to accumulate.
  9. I received about 0.60" of rain from this system. It was a pretty big underperformer across the entire area. The model average was at least an inch.
  10. Tonight's ICON, UK, and Euro have all lost the strongly-digging second wave next week, which means no second storm or snow for Iowa. A second spin-up is delayed until much farther east.
  11. I saw that the operational Euro got another upgrade a couple days ago. I didn't realize until today that range-extension was a part of it. The longer range for 06z and 18z is pretty nice. The 00z and 12z now going out to 15 days mostly just provides more fantasyland excitement, like the GFS. The day 8-10 maps are already low accuracy.
  12. The Euro still brings this system back to life in the gulf after a long trek across the Yucatan. Florida gets a solid storm with rain and wind.
  13. And now the Euro stalls this system on the Honduras coast and never develops it much. 24-48 hours ago this was looking pretty exciting to track, but it has come crashing down from that perspective.
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