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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. I guess coming back from Az. is starting to pay dividends.
  2. So you "bobtailed" through Pillow with your Jakebreak on?
  3. From DT: ATTENTION SNOW PLOW REMOVAL FOLKS... Have some openings for this winter. Good rates. Send email to [email protected]
  4. From DT:WINTER IS COMING .... EARLY WINTER BLAST LAST WEEK OF NOV --meaning high winds heavy lake effect snows .. numerous snow showers in the mountains oi Mid Atlantic and new England... REAL COLD...
  5. You gonna have to get off the beaten path to see mine.
  6. Those petunia plants are very hardy, after numerous frosts and temps as low as 23.6 they are still living. The ones planted in the ground don't have flowers but they are still living. The hanging baskets have flowers and are thriving.
  7. Weather World pdroonStes81fmg90c49hu507gm7hm218hl2m4ic701t54c66g74luhl75a0 · MORE AUTUMNAL AFFAIRS Over the next 4 weeks, we think that there will be more opportunities for storms to find Pennsylvania, although on balance, staying on the dry side. We also expect at least 18 of the next 28 days to be milder than average. #pawx #FearlessForecast #ClimateWatch
  8. Temp dropped down to 23.4 for the low this morning. Now it's rising that the sun is coming up.
  9. I'll tell the Amish to spread road apples on the highway and to get every buggy out on the road for your anticipated arrival.
  10. From our good friend DT: WINTER FORECAST2024-25 PREVIEWhttps://youtu.be/_eP1DiDHCYg Wxrisk.com (804) 307-8070 SUMMARY This is a long video -about 28 minutes but it moves pretty quick and there are lots of images in it. I start out reviewing the snow drought which has been pretty bad and WHY that has been occurring.. The last winter featured a very strong El Nino event. Before that we had three consecutive La Nina winters ( 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23) FACT -over the last 32 years there have only had seven Winters where the equatorial Pacific has seen normal conditions. The CONSENSUS FORECAST calls a Weak to Moderate La Nina but the data looks quite weak and there's a really good chance La Nina might not form at all. So I look at what happens if we have a weak La Nina and how it is significantly colder and stormier when compared to a moderate or strong La Nina. Then I look at what happens if there is No La Nina OR if La Nina ends by JAN 1. If that is the case the probability is much higher that the central and eastern US will see a near normal winter .
  11. 45 this morning. Wife got up around 1am and shut our bedroom window that wind was gusting. I guess our summer in November is history now. NWS has me down to 25 tomorrow morning.
  12. Good reason to get home immediately and repair it. Your statistics are important on this forum. Now there's a gap in coverage between MDT and Marysville.
  13. Snow Squall Awareness Week kicks off today and continues through Friday! Follow #SnowSquallSafetyPA for preparedness information from PennDOT, PEMA, Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission all week long!
  14. .53 rain from the event, much needed! Tomorrow night probably will be the end of the Petunias, NWS has me down to 26 for that low.
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