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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. If I read it right there was a 20 vehicle pileup on I-81 up above Hazelton tonight because of snow.https://www.yahoo.com/news/traffic-standstill-interstate-81-hanover-014658317.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  2. 13.5 was the low. more ice on the creek this morning. The weather so far reminds me of December of 1989 when it was so cold in December .
  3. Are you saying he's gonna blow the roof off on that theory?
  4. There is ice on the edge of the creek. Didn't expect that. So the water is colder then I thought.
  5. And if this winter doesn't turn out good they know where to find you.
  6. It's December we need someone to start the the Winter thread.
  7. This cold airmass is impressive. Just less than 30 days ago it was near 80.
  8. 22 this morning. Sure your not in Siberia with that temp you have?
  9. It happens so quick, and in todays society people don't want to slow down. And that all-wheel, 4 wheel drive give people a false sense of security.
  10. You know Ron Jeremy made the best of every opportunity he was given.
  11. Maybe he's talking about The beginning of December. I'm thinking the last few years were warm in that time period. But then again, maybe he's off his meds again. Maybe you gotta pay $5.00 a month than he'll go into further detail. Thats in addition to the other services he provides. But I think you already subscribe to his other services.
  12. DT wrong...never. Those snow accumulation maps and start times are second to none. Cant wait for the first snow start time. And no I can't do no better than him.
  13. With all the services he's offering he should be everyones number 1 go to guy. Wonder if he provides advanced snowfall accumulation maps...for a fee?
  14. Damn DT has another service: NEW FOR THIS WINTER… WxRisk is starting a new winter forecast product: SCHOOL SNOW FORECAST. This new forecast product for the winter 2024 - 25 is designed for teachers/ schools, and school districts. This product is useful for an individual school or college or a school district or for schools in a particular county. With this forecast product, you get advance warning of significant winter weather conditions such as snow, ice, extreme cold, freezing conditions, (such as Black Ice), heavy rain, and high winds. In short any kind of winter weather conditions that may impact school operations including getting into the schools during the early morning hours and having the kids in adults leave the school in the afternoon. The SCHOOL SNOW FORECAST has a special focus on the days/ mornings AFTER the winter storm comes to an end. Many locations in the Middle Atlantic and the Ohio Valley often see snow melt from the afternoon sun that refreezes at night and causes problems the next morning. Or there may be a wet snowfall that initially does not appear to be much of a problem, but temperatures drop rapidly behind the storm, and everything freezes hard. Many TV forecasters, as well as NWS, or private weather service companies, don't offer this kind of specific information to your particular School District. But the WxRisk SCHOOL SNOW FORECAST does. If your school or School District organization is interested in this kind of forecast product, please send a email, contact person... the name of the school the School District... phone number to [email protected]
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