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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. Nws point and click forecast says another 3-5 inches of rain till its over.
  2. Just received the emergency alert for flash flood till 6:00pm
  3. Hope for the best today .70 in the rain guage so far. Hopefully the heavy rain wont materialize.
  4. That Mandata to Herndon little creek will flood. Back about 3 years ago they had to do water rescues in that little valley. And a 2 story house was condemned because it washed it off the foundation. And those were rains from a thunderstorm that produced 5 in in an hour.
  5. Its been a week since we had rain here. But 10 miles east of us they had 3 in from those thunderstorms last week. We just missed those
  6. Yes i noticed the northward trend for the heaviest precip. I hope this is not another Lee. We were flooded in for 3 days from the Mahantango creek.Our area got 15 in. from that one. Seems to be favoring this area again. and were within abt. 12 hours of the event starting.
  7. I remove myself from this contest, as I have had my share of downpours and mud cleanup this summer. I hope this is not another Lee!
  8. You just wanna get enough rain, 6200 gallons so you won't need to go to Tower City.
  9. As we get closer to Ida's remnants, whats the take on rainfall we would actually receive in The Susquehanna Valley?
  10. If you leave the dome lid open you can fill it with rain water, no need to go to TOWER CITY!
  11. I have 42 so far this year that started on May 19th.
  12. After a cloudy start till around lunchtime the sun came out and the temp. soared to a sweltering 94.
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