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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. This could be the rest of the winter snowfall map.
  2. First day in awhile that the sun is out unobstructed by clouds. If it wasn't for that wind it would be a superb day
  3. Will the beat the Irish? I hope so. Or will ND run away with it with a final score of something like 38-10 It seems like anything can happen in these playoffs. You have a final score prediction?
  4. 17 here. With unrelenting wind. Even though I live at the bottom of the valley along the creek I don't usually get the strong gusts. I see the trees moving about 30ft. up. But in certain wind events those strong winds make it to the valley floor and I get them.
  5. Isn't there a way to use air pressure to open up the valve, (you might need about 100psi) by blowing into the valve in back of tanker? Thats what our guys did when tankers came in with frozen valves with product in the tanker.
  6. I'm sick of these winds. It's day, after day, after day.
  7. DT is on the ball! Talk about getting shafted
  8. How much does each full bucket weigh? My coal bin holds about maybe 7 ton.
  9. My coal usage for December 2024 compared to December 2023 was an increase of 8.627%. I used 245lbs. more coal than I did in December 2023. That translates to 7.90lbs. more a day. We had a cold December overall.
  10. maybe a trip to see him at his residence is in your future. But you'll probably walk away with the snow removal forecast products package from DT.
  11. One thing is for sure, another day of relentless wind.
  12. In 3 days a third of January will be behind us.
  13. All this opportunity for sizeable storms in this cold January is slowly slipping away.
  14. We need that one big storm that dumps 2 feet of snow and 30 plus Canderson winds for 3 days after the storm. Than we all will be happy.
  15. I guess some of us will be nickeled and dimed with snowfall this winter. Of course we should be used to that by now.
  16. Sounds like JB has given up on the weekend storm producing much if anything in Pa.
  17. About half inch here and currently snowing heavily.
  18. He basically didn't say too much more about it since the other day.
  19. Maybe a final call map from DT will boost peoples spirits and those start times will definitely put our minds at ease. Now we await the great counselor DT.
  20. When I went to school they used to put chains on the buses. Snow days were seldom used.
  21. it's looking like maybe we should stick a fork in this event. Shouldn't be surprised by this, as thats how our winters in Pa for most of us have gone for the past several years.
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