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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the vehicles and the ground this morning.
  2. Nothing here, just some fog in the higher elevations. Of course Voyager is in that category. 22 this morning here
  3. We usually end up with the rain, its places just further north of me that get the snow. But we'll see.
  4. I think it made it to 38 here I forgot to look and the weatherstation will reset after midnight. Like a difference of night and day. Like I sad before I can't wait for the higher sun angle. I miss those long warm, hot days. Now I have limited low angle sun and cold nights and if there would be snow on the ground, cold days also.
  5. 18 was the low up to 20 now. Yesterday the frost stayed on all the shaded areas all day, never melted.
  6. I'm not a avid snow lover like I used to be when I was younger. It seems I can't take the cold like i used to. I was always out in the cold when I was younger. My friends used to say your nuts for being out in the cold. But I can take 2 good snow events a winter (1 or 2 feet) a winter season and get it over with so we can move on to the warmer months.
  7. Yes the days of frozen tanker valves and the outlet is frozen too. I don't miss those days unloading tankers.
  8. According to my NWS point and click forecast tonight will be the coldest of the winter season so far. Expect a low of 19.
  9. Are you going out on a limb and calling for a storm? Sooner or later it will come, we been lucky so far.
  10. Its been a fairly dry month here with only .43 precip. falling and that includes .09 from the rain event we have now.
  11. At this time of the year I have limited sun. I see the sun after 9:00am and the is filtered from the trees. I don't get full sun till about 11:30 and then it's gone at 3:00pm. Hate this time of year, can't wait till February when I start getting more sun.
  12. Was cold air dammed most of day. Temp rose 3 degrees after dark to make it to 60
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