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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. Just had wind blown rain lightning thunder and .56in rain in less then 15 minutes.
  2. Better check with Bliz he might conjure up one more snow event.
  3. 52 for the high yesterday 38 for the low currently 52.
  4. Yes its really sad for everyone involved and for the rest of us that read about it and seen the pics and videos. I'm sure it was horrifying to those first responders. I hope it doesn't happen again.
  5. Updated information from PSP on the I-81 crash in Schuylkill County: 6 confirmed dead. 24 injured and transported to 4 local hospitals. 80 total vehicles involved (39 commercial vehicles and 41 passenger vehicles). I-81 is now open in both directions.
  6. Hopefully soon our ship will sail the high seas of warmth!
  7. For safety sake there should be another radar installed in that area
  8. I'm afraid so Voyager was the captain on our quest to find warmer weather. Some things aren't meant to be!
  9. Thanks! no sailing. Got down to 21 this morning, was colder than I expected it to get. Up to 24 now.
  10. How does this happen in todays world? We can do better to eliminate this. Snow squalls that caused 50-car pileup went undetected by weather radar almost 2 hours after crash https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/03/snow-squalls-that-caused-50-car-pileup-went-undetected-by-weather-radar-almost-2-hours-after-crash.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=pennlive_sf&fbclid=IwAR317BxOM1FvBMVBC-WA8V8Djv1K19xXNsDJu1_M
  11. tomorrow central and eastern Pa. is back to the slight risk.
  12. Wind chill 80 below? I'm staying away from there!
  13. 22 for the low this morning was expecting it to be colder.
  14. Sad, but maybe the trucking industry can do something when there is a threat from mother nature. And also all drivers of vehicles maybe should take some sort of weather related course. I know it's not feasible but it's for safety. But then again maybe the insurance companies can require this to get some sort of discount on their premium
  15. Maybe it should be mandatory that a cb is on in the truck for safety. Hard to believe there not used much anymore.
  16. The squall whitened the ground in less then 10 min now melting with some sun but only a temp of 26.
  17. Still working on getting people out of vehicles and now just shutdown the whole interstate north and south. Really bad!
  18. So the concern was definitely warranted today. I hope we don't have accidents anymore today!
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