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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Too dang funny man! I swear the weather here in Haywood literally changes every quarter of a mile!
  2. Lol the freaking frozen tundra bro. You know how I roll.
  3. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. A very cold start, a frozen ground. This week has been pretty dang chilly and I think a pretty strong CAD signal especially with the temps and dry air we've seem this week.
  4. 11 degrees this morning at my casa. A dang cold start to the day.
  5. The second storm is mostly all rain. Maybe some brief ice for the favored CAD regions. Then it's a rain to some upslope snow on the backside. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  6. 06z gfs is a snow to ice to rain back to snow for this weekend. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  7. I joined November of 2011. Crazy its been that long I've been on here. I've made 13,247 posts to current. I'd like to think I founded the mountains thread when I got brave enough to start a new thread lol. It's been a great journey. Teaching and learning on here a ton. It's been a pleasure posting with everyone.
  8. Temps nose diving this evening. Temp already down to 23.
  9. Yep the same here. A high of 34 and current temp at 30 already. Been a cold week.
  10. Cmc precipitation values. A ton of ice on the cmc also. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah I was very surprised coming into Haywood this morning and seeing snow hanging on the mountains. Absolutely nothing in Buncombe.
  12. It's looking like the big impact of the 3rd system will be torrential rainfall but things change every run so who knows. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  13. 06z gfs is some snow to ice to rain. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  14. 06z NAM is ice to rain. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  15. 00z euro continues to look wintery. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  16. I can literally smell snow. Them clouds have that milky look to them.
  17. Excellent post Carver. I just made a post over in our mountain thread that even the ensembles we're changing a lot run to run.
  18. As wncsnow mentioned NAM coming in cold with a snow to ice scenario now. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  19. Thank you! Will do my best. I know we are all on the edge of our seats currently.
  20. I like visuals so I hope yall do also. Still a lot of time for adjustments on the second storm. Just got to wait and see were the models takes up and use real time conditions...
  21. Third system on euro. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
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