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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. This weekend is going to be wet. Looks like another 1 to 3 inches of rainfall on top of the 1 to 3 we just got. Crazy how even Asheville has 7 inches of rainfall already this month. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  2. The MJO hasn't really fully Bern a dominant factor this season. Been lot's of talk but we've had an eclectic number of pattern drivers throughout the season.
  3. Hopefully the region would score and not just the mountains West. I know that is extremely frustrating.
  4. This is about as good a look as your going to get. Just beautiful. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  5. Look at the jet screaming out of the SW. This is classic NINO look. Although this is the STJ on roids. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  6. Euro Weeklies are still a go. The EPS is still a go. I think we end up with a muted torch. Now does that mean snow? I haven't a clue. But if there is colder air around our chances will be better than an all out torch.
  7. Then we have kind of a lagging trough in the NE to a much cooler pattern along the East Coast in general. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  8. We then get another reinforced shot of cooler air behind the initial cool down. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  9. We go from today to a nice cool down. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  10. If you follow the ensembles they have cooled greatly just over the past few days.
  11. The ensembles are catching onto this today as well. Doesn't look like an all out dumpster fire.
  12. Yeah the torch has never materialized..We've been at or below normal essentially. I really don't think this so called torch will either. Glad I live in the mountains. I don't envy those that don't.
  13. Hey it does look like we will see a nice upslope even here the first of next week.
  14. More rain tonight. The river is way up but I don't see any flooding concerns. Maybe this weekend though.
  15. Hey I'm just trying to stay in my lane. Just living in reality lol.
  16. Still a signal but get your shorts on and tanning lotion out because it ain't going to snow ever again. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  17. This is fake news guys. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  18. This is what the rest of our winter is going to look like. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  19. No winter is over guys. Get ready for spring and the beach.
  20. Carver say it ain't so. I was told winter is over now. Close the blinds, put out the grass seed, start getting ready for beach weather...
  21. No freaking kidding! Yeah it was anything but warm.
  22. Still a great signal for a significant upslope event during this torch. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  23. This would definitely line up with what the ensembles are show for sure.
  24. Excellent post Larry and some of what I was alluding to but you put it in a much better context than me. Keep it up warm or cold.
  25. Lol rough crowd guys, rough crowd. I do understand yall outside the mountains. Hopefully everyone can score.
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