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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Big tree just fell and blew a transformer. No power for a bit. Wind is absolutely ripping.
  2. Yeah same out at work today. Then I come home and there is blue skies to the south literally while I'm getting a thunderstorm. Yeah 54 here currently but this rain has been cold.
  3. Impressive and still probably an inch or more still coming for you.
  4. Good Lord these downpours are crazy. Goes from calm to raining sideways in a second.
  5. Dang. You must be approaching 6 to 7 inches the past 3 days.
  6. Looks like the highest elevations across the border could see some flakes on the backside of the cold front coming through.
  7. Yeah they are coming in waves. We missed last night's rain to the south I believe because of convention feedback from the gulf yesterday.
  8. Yeah clouds have only thickened through the day...
  9. I had received 10 inches. My rough estimate on average is about 35 to 45 inches.
  10. I give this winter a D. Some cold weather but too little snow.
  11. A cold morning this morning with a low of 25 degrees.
  12. Getting some light snow as clouds worked there way back in tonight.
  13. Had about an inch of snow with moderate snow at 4:30 this morning. It Snowed from Haywood all the way to Asheville this morning.
  14. I've seen everything at Biltmore today. I've seen sleet, snow, and rain.
  15. Looks like the snow line is around 4k feet in Haywood.
  16. Post lots of pics. Would love to find a good webcam up there.
  17. I think the higher elevations may do very well. This is late in the season but not unheard of.
  18. I live vicariously through you guts sometimes. These setups are fascinating to me up here.
  19. The NAM 3k really blows up storms across the area. Also an early snapshot of the snow. The snow looks convective early on. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  20. As for some snow it looks like we get several impulses from Wednesday through Friday... I'm saying 2 to 4 inches above 4000'... Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  21. First it looks like we could get a significant line of storms blowing through here and putting down a lot of rainfall along the border. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  22. Hope you get freaking smoked man. We are even going to get some snow down here in WNC.
  23. Seems like these late seasons snows always produce some very heavy wet snows in feet.
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