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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Hey guys check in periodically just to let us know how things are going. This virus is nothing to take lightly. Again if anyone needs anything let us know.
  2. Looks like much colder weather will come in here tomorrow with maybe a slight chance of snow tomorrow night. Then probably a gradual warm up.
  3. Heavy rain and storming this morning. Some high winds also
  4. The euro is showing some major blocking so we could be looking at some snow.
  5. Well there is a big spread from the GFS and the EURO currently. But it looks seasonal at most but it could go either way really. I think the models will converge this weekend.
  6. The 12 GFS Falters but the 12z euro steps back in line.
  7. It very well could be. We are in crazy times so might as well have crazy weather.
  8. Heavy rain yesterday evening with Thunderstorms and heavy rain overnight. Over 2 inches from the past 2 days. We just cant seem to dry out... Looking down the road the Euro still shows a decent trough getting in here around the 2nd and the GFS is picking this up finally. Looks like a rain to snow event then upslope snow for a bit. We will see if this holds but I think it will.
  9. 12Z euro again comes in with an impressive trough around April 2nd. Would definitely bring some high elevation snow.
  10. The models are all over the place but there could be some big changes in the pattern heading into April especially with the AO and NAO finally coming alive. I wouldn't rule out a late season snow.
  11. Well we might squeak something out but currently it is looking rare... Ditto on the helping if anyone needs it. This is serious times and we are a community.
  12. Ok mountain folks its that time to hit the dog days of summer but first we have to get through spring. Will we have a spring or will we just go to being baked day after day. Stay safe out there guys. Wishing everyone the best.
  13. The AO and NAO look to finally come alive towards the end of the month. Something to look at down the road. Boy today is going to be very warm. Enjoy!
  14. Yeah I know several elderly and families with newborn babies do not want to get out in this stuff.
  15. I hope everyone is staying safe out there. If anyone needs anything dont hesitate to reach out here on the site.
  16. Oh yeah I understand what you are talking about but all we need is for the NAO and AO to cooperate just a but. Its been very cold up in the northern parts and I personally dont think it would be that hard to get cold in her at all. Several years ago I saw it near 90 degrees one week in March then the next week we had 6 inches of snow otg. It can and will happen again. Ironically our coldest time period this season was actually in November. I see no reason we dont have a backend cold period similar. We will see though I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time lol
  17. Im looking for some possible winter weather the end of the month. We may have a sizable shift in the pattern to bring us some more cold and snow.
  18. Yeah it will be long gone soon but im ready for spring to come. This winter has been very meh so im over it. Im ready for warmer and dryer times.
  19. Of course our nice weather next week has turned into a 90 percent chance of rain...
  20. The way the next few weeks look like it could be our last shot but I think we may have 1 or 2 more to go really. Can't rule out April.
  21. Moderate to steady snow. Ground is covered with about a half inch. Classic NWFS.
  22. Yeah it's snowing moderate to heavy currently in parts of Haywood.
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