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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Yeah im done looking at the models. I looked at the Euro and thats been it. Its going to do what its going to do. Now we just sit back and wait.
  2. I think all of Haywood could be in range for 8 to 12 inches.
  3. I like the NAM better just because it has a much better track record.
  4. Yep clouds have broke here also. But im not worried. Lets just get the moisture in here.
  5. Yeah the short range models look really good.
  6. Nice Don! We will post lots of pics and im sure our mountain crew will be on it. I know I've said it before but our community here has really grown. Im proud to be apart of events like this with this group. We have our differences but we manage those in the utmost respectful way. I hope we all get waxed!
  7. Yeah that would be awesome! Especially the way Sylva just sits at the bottom of the valley.
  8. Yeah its crazy how that happens. The micro climates in different parts of Haywood fascinates me.
  9. I wouldn't worry about temps were we are. I think that at the very onset of precipitation there will be some evaporational cooling going on to push the temps even further down. But remember a lot of our best snows come at around 26 to 30 degrees around here.
  10. One thing I noticed is that we had what appeared to be rime ice everywhere this morning. There was ice all over the trees and the tops of bushes. Looking out over Haywood you can see some fog that has not lifted yet and of course Canton makes there own weather with the mill.
  11. Had a low of 17 and already have heavy cloud cover.
  12. Its almost nowcast time really. We can look at the models all we want but almost all of them have been all over the place. If all the models trend way back then I think this is a trend. We will see how the noon models come out and the new Euro.
  13. Lol I just mentioned that. The whole county gets hammered! I'll be doing some heavy trolling in the other thread!
  14. Yeah according to this map I jackpot with over a foot. Fun to look at but im not buying it.
  15. Lol its nice to live at 3500 feet in the mountains. Ill post pics for you guys....
  16. I cannot but Holston posted it over in the Tennessee ull thread.
  17. I saw were the 18z Euro looked great for all of us once again.
  18. So we have the NAM, EURO, and HRRR all in the same boat. I think those are good odds.
  19. The NAM looks really good but also don't forget about the upslope component with this type storm also.
  20. Lol yeah I agree with that. Downtown is such an odd place sometimes but I do think this setup favors snowfall for downtown. At least to get something decent. I would much rather go with the NAM personally but its nice to look at.
  21. Yep per our own Local meteorologist Ward.
  22. Ehh I had friends in part of Candler that got 4 to 5 inches. I think it all depended on were exactly you were in Buncombe.
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