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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. You cannot tell me this hasn't been an extremely warm pattern for December. Asheville shattered the record for Christmas day. People trying to live in a pipe dream this season....
  2. Yeah I remember it was 70 Christmas day here in the mountains. Short sleeves and grilling weather for sure. We actually had some back to back very warm Christmases.
  3. Im not writing off winter either but there are a lot of negatives and not a lot of positives currently but that doesn't mean we cannot score but the PAC NW is going to have to calm down.
  4. LOL that's before my time. We on this east side of the mountains we have set several record highs by several degrees. This seasons PNA is at record negative territory on the west coast and it would take a mighty block up top to beat back the SER. yall can do better than us though because when the cold dumps into the west and we have a strong SER the mountains help keep the cold away. We will see but I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel currently and yes that's being pessimistic.
  5. The thing that gets me is how warm this airmass we have had is. I know in and around this area we have shattered several record highs and record low highs as well. This is not a normal pattern.
  6. Well the issue is feedback on the MJO, the PNA is at record negatives this year so that means that virtually for us the SER is in control until the PNA settles down. The NAO and AO will be not help unless the SER gives in which currently doesn't look that way. We may have a slight window but we are shattering recod highs and record low highs left and right. This December has been way above normal for the SE. I mean we are breaking record by like 5 or 6 degrees. That is extremely impressive and very telling.
  7. The euro was beautiful..... for the West lol.
  8. For what it turns into in January? Yeah I saw that. Hoping things pan out for at least a chance or two of snow during this pattern break.
  9. This so called pattern change is becoming delayed again and again.
  10. My thing is the MJO is just not going to move for us. Seems like we are back peddling again with it being stuck in phase 7. I know feedback issues and such but like last year it looks like cold dumps out west then may bleed east. We will see.
  11. Yeah im really trying to be patient but we have been burnt so many times im like well it is what it is. There are signs there but this season feels so off already. Really weird pattern we have been stuck in.
  12. Yeah I can remember growing up and always remembering winter really starting around Christmas or New Years.
  13. The models seem to always have trouble with blocking...
  14. Grit great to see you posting. We have missed you.
  15. Im not Grit but if the Pacific doesn't ease up then there is going to be a tug of war with were the cold goes because the PNA is a formable beast currently.
  16. Left the house at 4:30 and it was down to 21 degrees. Beautiful night.
  17. I think he was talking about the severe cold snap in the mid section of the country. But I can remember when we would get at least a few night of below zero readings every winter.
  18. Eh the Euro is not what it used to be. It's better to have consistency across the board than just one model.
  19. At this point I like New England for winter weather. The PNA is a solid pain in the butt. I know there are grumblings of possible changes in the pattern but I do not see it in the next two weeks.
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