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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Thank you for the kind words Don. I greatly appreciate them and as well as everyone else I am also very excited at the very least.
  2. GFS has always been consistent with this storm. Im not so sure about those totals but still this will be a great storm if most everyone sees 4-8 inches.
  3. Yeah which is odd to me but just might be how the precipitation is rotating through.
  4. Yeah the NAM has been anything but consistent with this storm. I will say though if the GFS pulls back a lot then the models may be seeing something... Just food for thought.
  5. Yep we pretty much are on the same playing grounds.
  6. Yeah another solid run I'd say. Finally seeing some consistency from the EURO. Probably see something in the middle from the GFS and EURO.
  7. Yeah im at 3-5 tonight and 1-3 tomorrow. Shoot ill take whatever...
  8. Well I mean I think we have a small window of opportunity before things go to crap again. While things are jumbled we need to jump on every chance we get. This hopefully is just the start.
  9. Yeah very true which will also feed the intensity of the snow rates. Anytime we are talking the possibility of thundersnow you know the rates are going to be insane.
  10. Relatively speaking yes. Given the GFS depiction of rapid intensification, to elevation, to temps crashing and high winds this could be a real thing. Not to get into extremes but this would be a time when this would be an extreme local weather event if all unfolds as is being depicted.
  11. No usually that's a sign of strong downdrafts in a system. Mammatus clouds are usually associated with Tornadoes.
  12. Yeah you know how special the climate is here in Haywood for sure. You literally go down or up the road 1 mile and things can change in a hurry especially with the topography of the county.
  13. Yeah Haywood in general is sitting pretty along with a lot of WNC. This should be a fun region wide storm were most will get in on the action. It's about time we saw this change in pattern.
  14. I do think that we are in the prime spot across the board. However you slice it this will be a win for us. Whether 6 or 16 inches this is something we have been looking forward to having.
  15. Verbatim there is a strip of 12 to 16 inches across the border counties right on the TN/NC line. Crazy amounts for sure. Amazing the totals keep getting upped at this junction.
  16. Yeah the 12z GFS just went nuke on the border counties...
  17. Yeah I know a backroad heading into hurricane creek and over into Max Patch that I use often in the winter to avoid the crazy drvers who don't know anything about driving in the snow.
  18. Also I wouldn't worry about ground temps at all. Temps are going to be crashing and this will happen in the middle of the night along with intense rates.
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