Also the GFS is still advertising several events after this with some very strong pushes of cold air. It's been a long time since we've seen it snow and stay cold. A very exciting rest of the month indeed.
Yeah I know exactly were that is. I have some friends with horses that live up that way and some friends that live up big bald. I live on the Canton side of Crabtree were I can see Canton and Mt. Pisgah.
I wouldn't sweat the short range models. Like I've said. The Euro and GFS have been stellar with there solutions. The NAM can suck it for all I care and the HRRR has never been much of a great model for output here in the mountains. I could be wrong and If I am ill eat my words but the big dogs are locked in, not the ankle biters...
That track should be great for CAD which you should do very well in but there is always a chance for mixing at your elevation. Also no amount of reassurance is going to make things better until it actually starts. You've asked about Morganton on every storm thread. You may want to take a break from looking at the models.
Yeah Haywoods climo is complex from community to community or mountain to mountain but everyone in the country should get theres. Youll have the moisture coming from the south then youll have the NW flow setup after the storm pulls away.
Well it's basically go time now. Ill look at the morning models but that's about it. Prepare for everything, expect the modest, and hope for the maximum. Get some rest gents because tomorrow is going to be fireworks.